Module debot

Module debot

UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Module for working with debot.


initUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Creates and instance of DeBot.

startUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Starts the DeBot.

fetchUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Fetches DeBot metadata from blockchain.

executeUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Executes debot action.

sendUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Sends message to Debot.

removeUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Destroys debot handle.



DebotHandleUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Handle of registered in SDK debot

DebotActionUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes a debot action in a Debot Context.

DebotInfoUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes DeBot metadata.

DebotActivityTransactionVariant – DeBot wants to create new transaction in blockchain.

DebotActivityUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes the operation that the DeBot wants to perform.

SpendingUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes how much funds will be debited from the target contract balance as a result of the transaction.

ParamsOfInitUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to init DeBot.

RegisteredDebotUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Structure for storing debot handle returned from init function.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant – Print message to user.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant – Switch debot to another context (menu).

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchCompletedVariant – Notify browser that all context actions are shown.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant – Show action to the user. Called after switch for each action in context.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant – Request user input.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant – Get signing box to sign data.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant – Execute action of another debot.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant – Used by Debot to call DInterface implemented by Debot Browser.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant – Requests permission from DeBot Browser to execute DeBot operation.

ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Debot Browser callbacks

ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant – Result of user input.

ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant – Result of getting signing box.

ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant – Result of debot invoking.

ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant – Result of approve callback.

ResultOfAppDebotBrowserUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Returning values from Debot Browser callbacks.

ParamsOfStartUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to start DeBot. DeBot must be already initialized with init() function.

ParamsOfFetchUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to fetch DeBot metadata.


ParamsOfExecuteUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters for executing debot action.

ParamsOfSendUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters of send function.


AppDebotBrowserUNSTABLE DEPRECATED Debot Browser callbacks



UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Creates and instance of DeBot.

Downloads debot smart contract (code and data) from blockchain and creates an instance of Debot Engine for it.


It does not switch debot to context 0. Browser Callbacks are not called.

type ParamsOfInit = {
    address: string

type RegisteredDebot = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle,
    debot_abi: string,
    info: DebotInfo

function init(
    params: ParamsOfInit,
    obj: AppDebotBrowser,
): Promise<RegisteredDebot>;

function init_sync(
    params: ParamsOfInit,
): RegisteredDebot;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

  • debot_abi: string – Debot abi as json string.

  • info: DebotInfo – Debot metadata.



Downloads debot smart contract from blockchain and switches it to context zero.

This function must be used by Debot Browser to start a dialog with debot. While the function is executing, several Browser Callbacks can be called, since the debot tries to display all actions from the context 0 to the user.

When the debot starts SDK registers BrowserCallbacks AppObject. Therefore when debote.remove is called the debot is being deleted and the callback is called with finish=true which indicates that it will never be used again.

type ParamsOfStart = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle

function start(
    params: ParamsOfStart,
): Promise<void>;

function start_sync(
    params: ParamsOfStart,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Fetches DeBot metadata from blockchain.

Downloads DeBot from blockchain and creates and fetches its metadata.

type ParamsOfFetch = {
    address: string

type ResultOfFetch = {
    info: DebotInfo

function fetch(
    params: ParamsOfFetch,
): Promise<ResultOfFetch>;

function fetch_sync(
    params: ParamsOfFetch,
): ResultOfFetch;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • address: string – Debot smart contract address.



UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Executes debot action.

Calls debot engine referenced by debot handle to execute input action. Calls Debot Browser Callbacks if needed.


Chain of actions can be executed if input action generates a list of subactions.

type ParamsOfExecute = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle,
    action: DebotAction

function execute(
    params: ParamsOfExecute,
): Promise<void>;

function execute_sync(
    params: ParamsOfExecute,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

  • action: DebotAction – Debot Action that must be executed.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Sends message to Debot.

Used by Debot Browser to send response on Dinterface call or from other Debots.

type ParamsOfSend = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle,
    message: string

function send(
    params: ParamsOfSend,
): Promise<void>;

function send_sync(
    params: ParamsOfSend,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

  • message: string – BOC of internal message to debot encoded in base64 format.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Destroys debot handle.

Removes handle from Client Context and drops debot engine referenced by that handle.

type ParamsOfRemove = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle

function remove(
    params: ParamsOfRemove,
): Promise<void>;

function remove_sync(
    params: ParamsOfRemove,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.



enum DebotErrorCode {
    DebotStartFailed = 801,
    DebotFetchFailed = 802,
    DebotExecutionFailed = 803,
    DebotInvalidHandle = 804,
    DebotInvalidJsonParams = 805,
    DebotInvalidFunctionId = 806,
    DebotInvalidAbi = 807,
    DebotGetMethodFailed = 808,
    DebotInvalidMsg = 809,
    DebotExternalCallFailed = 810,
    DebotBrowserCallbackFailed = 811,
    DebotOperationRejected = 812,
    DebotNoCode = 813

One of the following value:

  • DebotStartFailed = 801

  • DebotFetchFailed = 802

  • DebotExecutionFailed = 803

  • DebotInvalidHandle = 804

  • DebotInvalidJsonParams = 805

  • DebotInvalidFunctionId = 806

  • DebotInvalidAbi = 807

  • DebotGetMethodFailed = 808

  • DebotInvalidMsg = 809

  • DebotExternalCallFailed = 810

  • DebotBrowserCallbackFailed = 811

  • DebotOperationRejected = 812

  • DebotNoCode = 813


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Handle of registered in SDK debot

type DebotHandle = number


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes a debot action in a Debot Context.

type DebotAction = {
    description: string,
    name: string,
    action_type: number,
    to: number,
    attributes: string,
    misc: string
  • description: string – A short action description. Should be used by Debot Browser as name of menu item.

  • name: string – Depends on action type. Can be a debot function name or a print string (for Print Action).

  • action_type: number – Action type.

  • to: number – ID of debot context to switch after action execution.

  • attributes: string – Action attributes. In the form of "param=value,flag". attribute example: instant, args, fargs, sign.

  • misc: string – Some internal action data. Used by debot only.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes DeBot metadata.

type DebotInfo = {
    name?: string,
    version?: string,
    publisher?: string,
    caption?: string,
    author?: string,
    support?: string,
    hello?: string,
    language?: string,
    dabi?: string,
    icon?: string,
    interfaces: string[],
    dabiVersion: string
  • name?: string – DeBot short name.

  • version?: string – DeBot semantic version.

  • publisher?: string – The name of DeBot deployer.

  • caption?: string – Short info about DeBot.

  • author?: string – The name of DeBot developer.

  • support?: string – Acki Nacki address of author for questions and donations.

  • hello?: string – String with the first messsage from DeBot.

  • language?: string – String with DeBot interface language (ISO-639).

  • dabi?: string – String with DeBot ABI.

  • icon?: string – DeBot icon.

  • interfaces: string[] – Vector with IDs of DInterfaces used by DeBot.

  • dabiVersion: string – ABI version ("x.y") supported by DeBot


DeBot wants to create new transaction in blockchain.

type DebotActivityTransactionVariant = {
    msg: string,
    dst: string,
    out: Spending[],
    fee: bigint,
    setcode: boolean,
    signkey: string,
    signing_box_handle: number
  • msg: string – External inbound message BOC.

  • dst: string – Target smart contract address.

  • out: Spending[] – List of spendings as a result of transaction.

  • fee: bigint – Transaction total fee.

  • setcode: boolean – Indicates if target smart contract updates its code.

  • signkey: string – Public key from keypair that was used to sign external message.

  • signing_box_handle: number – Signing box handle used to sign external message.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes the operation that the DeBot wants to perform.

type DebotActivity = ({
    type: 'Transaction'
} & DebotActivityTransactionVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'Transaction'

DeBot wants to create new transaction in blockchain.

  • msg: string – External inbound message BOC.

  • dst: string – Target smart contract address.

  • out: Spending[] – List of spendings as a result of transaction.

  • fee: bigint – Transaction total fee.

  • setcode: boolean – Indicates if target smart contract updates its code.

  • signkey: string – Public key from keypair that was used to sign external message.

  • signing_box_handle: number – Signing box handle used to sign external message.

Variant constructors:

function debotActivityTransaction(msg: string, dst: string, out: Spending[], fee: bigint, setcode: boolean, signkey: string, signing_box_handle: number): DebotActivity;


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Describes how much funds will be debited from the target contract balance as a result of the transaction.

type Spending = {
    amount: bigint,
    dst: string
  • amount: bigint – Amount of nanotokens that will be sent to dst address.

  • dst: string – Destination address of recipient of funds.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to init DeBot.

type ParamsOfInit = {
    address: string
  • address: string – Debot smart contract address


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Structure for storing debot handle returned from init function.

type RegisteredDebot = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle,
    debot_abi: string,
    info: DebotInfo
  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

  • debot_abi: string – Debot abi as json string.

  • info: DebotInfo – Debot metadata.


Print message to user.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant = {
    msg: string
  • msg: string – A string that must be printed to user.


Switch debot to another context (menu).

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant = {
    context_id: number
  • context_id: number – Debot context ID to which debot is switched.


Notify browser that all context actions are shown.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchCompletedVariant = {



Show action to the user. Called after switch for each action in context.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant = {
    action: DebotAction
  • action: DebotAction – Debot action that must be shown to user as menu item. At least description property must be shown from [DebotAction] structure.


Request user input.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant = {
    prompt: string
  • prompt: string – A prompt string that must be printed to user before input request.


Get signing box to sign data.

Signing box returned is owned and disposed by debot engine

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant = {



Execute action of another debot.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant = {
    debot_addr: string,
    action: DebotAction
  • debot_addr: string – Address of debot in blockchain.

  • action: DebotAction – Debot action to execute.


Used by Debot to call DInterface implemented by Debot Browser.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant = {
    message: string
  • message: string – Internal message to DInterface address. Message body contains interface function and parameters.


Requests permission from DeBot Browser to execute DeBot operation.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant = {
    activity: DebotActivity


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Debot Browser callbacks

Called by debot engine to communicate with debot browser.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser = ({
    type: 'Log'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant) | ({
    type: 'Switch'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant) | ({
    type: 'SwitchCompleted'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchCompletedVariant) | ({
    type: 'ShowAction'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant) | ({
    type: 'Input'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant) | ({
    type: 'GetSigningBox'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant) | ({
    type: 'InvokeDebot'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant) | ({
    type: 'Send'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant) | ({
    type: 'Approve'
} & ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'Log'

Print message to user.

  • msg: string – A string that must be printed to user.

When type is 'Switch'

Switch debot to another context (menu).

  • context_id: number – Debot context ID to which debot is switched.

When type is 'SwitchCompleted'

Notify browser that all context actions are shown.

When type is 'ShowAction'

Show action to the user. Called after switch for each action in context.

  • action: DebotAction – Debot action that must be shown to user as menu item. At least description property must be shown from [DebotAction] structure.

When type is 'Input'

Request user input.

  • prompt: string – A prompt string that must be printed to user before input request.

When type is 'GetSigningBox'

Get signing box to sign data.

Signing box returned is owned and disposed by debot engine

When type is 'InvokeDebot'

Execute action of another debot.

  • debot_addr: string – Address of debot in blockchain.

  • action: DebotAction – Debot action to execute.

When type is 'Send'

Used by Debot to call DInterface implemented by Debot Browser.

  • message: string – Internal message to DInterface address. Message body contains interface function and parameters.

When type is 'Approve'

Requests permission from DeBot Browser to execute DeBot operation.

Variant constructors:

function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserLog(msg: string): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;
function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitch(context_id: number): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;
function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchCompleted(): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;
function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserShowAction(action: DebotAction): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;
function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserInput(prompt: string): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;
function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBox(): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;
function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebot(debot_addr: string, action: DebotAction): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;
function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserSend(message: string): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;
function paramsOfAppDebotBrowserApprove(activity: DebotActivity): ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser;


Result of user input.

type ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant = {
    value: string
  • value: string – String entered by user.


Result of getting signing box.

type ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant = {
    signing_box: SigningBoxHandle
  • signing_box: SigningBoxHandle – Signing box for signing data requested by debot engine. Signing box is owned and disposed by debot engine


Result of debot invoking.

type ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant = {



Result of approve callback.

type ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant = {
    approved: boolean
  • approved: boolean – Indicates whether the DeBot is allowed to perform the specified operation.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Returning values from Debot Browser callbacks.

type ResultOfAppDebotBrowser = ({
    type: 'Input'
} & ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant) | ({
    type: 'GetSigningBox'
} & ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant) | ({
    type: 'InvokeDebot'
} & ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant) | ({
    type: 'Approve'
} & ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'Input'

Result of user input.

  • value: string – String entered by user.

When type is 'GetSigningBox'

Result of getting signing box.

  • signing_box: SigningBoxHandle – Signing box for signing data requested by debot engine. Signing box is owned and disposed by debot engine

When type is 'InvokeDebot'

Result of debot invoking.

When type is 'Approve'

Result of approve callback.

  • approved: boolean – Indicates whether the DeBot is allowed to perform the specified operation.

Variant constructors:

function resultOfAppDebotBrowserInput(value: string): ResultOfAppDebotBrowser;
function resultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBox(signing_box: SigningBoxHandle): ResultOfAppDebotBrowser;
function resultOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebot(): ResultOfAppDebotBrowser;
function resultOfAppDebotBrowserApprove(approved: boolean): ResultOfAppDebotBrowser;


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to start DeBot. DeBot must be already initialized with init() function.

type ParamsOfStart = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle
  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters to fetch DeBot metadata.

type ParamsOfFetch = {
    address: string
  • address: string – Debot smart contract address.



type ResultOfFetch = {
    info: DebotInfo


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters for executing debot action.

type ParamsOfExecute = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle,
    action: DebotAction
  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

  • action: DebotAction – Debot Action that must be executed.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Parameters of send function.

type ParamsOfSend = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle,
    message: string
  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.

  • message: string – BOC of internal message to debot encoded in base64 format.



type ParamsOfRemove = {
    debot_handle: DebotHandle
  • debot_handle: DebotHandle – Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.


UNSTABLE DEPRECATED Debot Browser callbacks

Called by debot engine to communicate with debot browser.

export interface AppDebotBrowser {
    log(params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant): void,
    switch(params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant): void,
    switch_completed(): void,
    show_action(params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant): void,
    input(params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant): Promise<ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant>,
    get_signing_box(): Promise<ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant>,
    invoke_debot(params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant): Promise<void>,
    send(params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant): void,
    approve(params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant): Promise<ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant>,


Print message to user.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant = ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant

function log(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant,
): Promise<>;

function log_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserLogVariant,
): ;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • msg: string – A string that must be printed to user.


Switch debot to another context (menu).

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant = ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant

function switch(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant,
): Promise<>;

function switch_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSwitchVariant,
): ;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • context_id: number – Debot context ID to which debot is switched.


Notify browser that all context actions are shown.

function switch_completed(): Promise<>;

function switch_completed_sync(): ;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


Show action to the user. Called after switch for each action in context.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant = ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant

function show_action(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant,
): Promise<>;

function show_action_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserShowActionVariant,
): ;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • action: DebotAction – Debot action that must be shown to user as menu item. At least description property must be shown from [DebotAction] structure.


Request user input.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant = ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant

type ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant = ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant

function input(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant,
): Promise<ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant>;

function input_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant,
): ResultOfAppDebotBrowserInputVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • prompt: string – A prompt string that must be printed to user before input request.


  • value: string – String entered by user.


Get signing box to sign data.

Signing box returned is owned and disposed by debot engine

type ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant = ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant

function get_signing_box(): Promise<ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant>;

function get_signing_box_sync(): ResultOfAppDebotBrowserGetSigningBoxVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • signing_box: SigningBoxHandle – Signing box for signing data requested by debot engine. Signing box is owned and disposed by debot engine


Execute action of another debot.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant = ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant

function invoke_debot(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant,
): Promise<void>;

function invoke_debot_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserInvokeDebotVariant,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • debot_addr: string – Address of debot in blockchain.

  • action: DebotAction – Debot action to execute.


Used by Debot to call DInterface implemented by Debot Browser.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant = ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant

function send(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant,
): Promise<>;

function send_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserSendVariant,
): ;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • message: string – Internal message to DInterface address. Message body contains interface function and parameters.


Requests permission from DeBot Browser to execute DeBot operation.

type ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant = ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant

type ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant = ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant

function approve(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant,
): Promise<ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant>;

function approve_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant,
): ResultOfAppDebotBrowserApproveVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



  • approved: boolean – Indicates whether the DeBot is allowed to perform the specified operation.

Last updated