Module boc

Module boc

BOC manipulation module.


decode_tvc – Decodes tvc according to the tvc spec. Read more about tvc structure here

parse_message – Parses message boc into a JSON

parse_transaction – Parses transaction boc into a JSON

parse_account – Parses account boc into a JSON

parse_block – Parses block boc into a JSON

parse_shardstate – Parses shardstate boc into a JSON

get_blockchain_config – Extract blockchain configuration from key block and also from zerostate.

get_boc_hash – Calculates BOC root hash

get_boc_depth – Calculates BOC depth

get_code_from_tvc – Extracts code from TVC contract image

cache_get – Get BOC from cache

cache_set – Save BOC into cache or increase pin counter for existing pinned BOC

cache_unpin – Unpin BOCs with specified pin defined in the cache_set. Decrease pin reference counter for BOCs with specified pin defined in the cache_set. BOCs which have only 1 pin and its reference counter become 0 will be removed from cache

encode_boc – Encodes bag of cells (BOC) with builder operations. This method provides the same functionality as Solidity TvmBuilder. Resulting BOC of this method can be passed into Solidity and C++ contracts as TvmCell type.

get_code_salt – Returns the contract code's salt if it is present.

set_code_salt – Sets new salt to contract code.

decode_state_init – Decodes contract's initial state into code, data, libraries and special options.

encode_state_init – Encodes initial contract state from code, data, libraries ans special options (see input params)

encode_external_in_message – Encodes a message

get_compiler_version – Returns the compiler version used to compile the code.


BocCacheTypePinnedVariant – Pin the BOC with pin name.

BocCacheTypeUnpinnedVariant – BOC is placed into a common BOC pool with limited size regulated by LRU (least recently used) cache lifecycle.


BuilderOpIntegerVariant – Append integer to cell data.

BuilderOpBitStringVariant – Append bit string to cell data.

BuilderOpCellVariant – Append ref to nested cells.

BuilderOpCellBocVariant – Append ref to nested cell.

BuilderOpAddressVariant – Address.

BuilderOp – Cell builder operation.







































Decodes tvc according to the tvc spec. Read more about tvc structure here

type ParamsOfDecodeTvc = {
    tvc: string

type ResultOfDecodeTvc = {
    tvc: Tvc

function decode_tvc(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeTvc,
): Promise<ResultOfDecodeTvc>;

function decode_tvc_sync(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeTvc,
): ResultOfDecodeTvc;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • tvc: string – Contract TVC BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


  • tvc: Tvc – Decoded TVC


Parses message boc into a JSON

JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API message object

type ParamsOfParse = {
    boc: string

type ResultOfParse = {
    parsed: any

function parse_message(
    params: ParamsOfParse,
): Promise<ResultOfParse>;

function parse_message_sync(
    params: ParamsOfParse,
): ResultOfParse;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64


  • parsed: any – JSON containing parsed BOC


Parses transaction boc into a JSON

JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API transaction object

type ParamsOfParse = {
    boc: string

type ResultOfParse = {
    parsed: any

function parse_transaction(
    params: ParamsOfParse,
): Promise<ResultOfParse>;

function parse_transaction_sync(
    params: ParamsOfParse,
): ResultOfParse;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64


  • parsed: any – JSON containing parsed BOC


Parses account boc into a JSON

JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API account object

type ParamsOfParse = {
    boc: string

type ResultOfParse = {
    parsed: any

function parse_account(
    params: ParamsOfParse,
): Promise<ResultOfParse>;

function parse_account_sync(
    params: ParamsOfParse,
): ResultOfParse;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64


  • parsed: any – JSON containing parsed BOC


Parses block boc into a JSON

JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API block object

type ParamsOfParse = {
    boc: string

type ResultOfParse = {
    parsed: any

function parse_block(
    params: ParamsOfParse,
): Promise<ResultOfParse>;

function parse_block_sync(
    params: ParamsOfParse,
): ResultOfParse;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64


  • parsed: any – JSON containing parsed BOC


Parses shardstate boc into a JSON

JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API shardstate object

type ParamsOfParseShardstate = {
    boc: string,
    id: string,
    workchain_id: number

type ResultOfParse = {
    parsed: any

function parse_shardstate(
    params: ParamsOfParseShardstate,
): Promise<ResultOfParse>;

function parse_shardstate_sync(
    params: ParamsOfParseShardstate,
): ResultOfParse;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64

  • id: string – Shardstate identifier

  • workchain_id: number – Workchain shardstate belongs to


  • parsed: any – JSON containing parsed BOC


Extract blockchain configuration from key block and also from zerostate.

type ParamsOfGetBlockchainConfig = {
    block_boc: string

type ResultOfGetBlockchainConfig = {
    config_boc: string

function get_blockchain_config(
    params: ParamsOfGetBlockchainConfig,
): Promise<ResultOfGetBlockchainConfig>;

function get_blockchain_config_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetBlockchainConfig,
): ResultOfGetBlockchainConfig;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • block_boc: string – Key block BOC or zerostate BOC encoded as base64


  • config_boc: string – Blockchain config BOC encoded as base64


Calculates BOC root hash

type ParamsOfGetBocHash = {
    boc: string

type ResultOfGetBocHash = {
    hash: string

function get_boc_hash(
    params: ParamsOfGetBocHash,
): Promise<ResultOfGetBocHash>;

function get_boc_hash_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetBocHash,
): ResultOfGetBocHash;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


  • hash: string – BOC root hash encoded with hex


Calculates BOC depth

type ParamsOfGetBocDepth = {
    boc: string

type ResultOfGetBocDepth = {
    depth: number

function get_boc_depth(
    params: ParamsOfGetBocDepth,
): Promise<ResultOfGetBocDepth>;

function get_boc_depth_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetBocDepth,
): ResultOfGetBocDepth;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


  • depth: number – BOC root cell depth


Extracts code from TVC contract image

type ParamsOfGetCodeFromTvc = {
    tvc: string

type ResultOfGetCodeFromTvc = {
    code: string

function get_code_from_tvc(
    params: ParamsOfGetCodeFromTvc,
): Promise<ResultOfGetCodeFromTvc>;

function get_code_from_tvc_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetCodeFromTvc,
): ResultOfGetCodeFromTvc;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • tvc: string – Contract TVC image or image BOC handle


  • code: string – Contract code encoded as base64


Get BOC from cache

type ParamsOfBocCacheGet = {
    boc_ref: string

type ResultOfBocCacheGet = {
    boc?: string

function cache_get(
    params: ParamsOfBocCacheGet,
): Promise<ResultOfBocCacheGet>;

function cache_get_sync(
    params: ParamsOfBocCacheGet,
): ResultOfBocCacheGet;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc_ref: string – Reference to the cached BOC


  • boc?: string – BOC encoded as base64.


Save BOC into cache or increase pin counter for existing pinned BOC

type ParamsOfBocCacheSet = {
    boc: string,
    cache_type: BocCacheType

type ResultOfBocCacheSet = {
    boc_ref: string

function cache_set(
    params: ParamsOfBocCacheSet,
): Promise<ResultOfBocCacheSet>;

function cache_set_sync(
    params: ParamsOfBocCacheSet,
): ResultOfBocCacheSet;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64 or BOC reference

  • cache_type: BocCacheType – Cache type


  • boc_ref: string – Reference to the cached BOC


Unpin BOCs with specified pin defined in the cache_set. Decrease pin reference counter for BOCs with specified pin defined in the cache_set. BOCs which have only 1 pin and its reference counter become 0 will be removed from cache

type ParamsOfBocCacheUnpin = {
    pin: string,
    boc_ref?: string

function cache_unpin(
    params: ParamsOfBocCacheUnpin,
): Promise<void>;

function cache_unpin_sync(
    params: ParamsOfBocCacheUnpin,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • pin: string – Pinned name

  • boc_ref?: string – Reference to the cached BOC. If it is provided then only referenced BOC is unpinned


Encodes bag of cells (BOC) with builder operations. This method provides the same functionality as Solidity TvmBuilder. Resulting BOC of this method can be passed into Solidity and C++ contracts as TvmCell type.

type ParamsOfEncodeBoc = {
    builder: BuilderOp[],
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfEncodeBoc = {
    boc: string

function encode_boc(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeBoc,
): Promise<ResultOfEncodeBoc>;

function encode_boc_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeBoc,
): ResultOfEncodeBoc;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • builder: BuilderOp[] – Cell builder operations.

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


  • boc: string – Encoded cell BOC or BOC cache key.


Returns the contract code's salt if it is present.

type ParamsOfGetCodeSalt = {
    code: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfGetCodeSalt = {
    salt?: string

function get_code_salt(
    params: ParamsOfGetCodeSalt,
): Promise<ResultOfGetCodeSalt>;

function get_code_salt_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetCodeSalt,
): ResultOfGetCodeSalt;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • code: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


  • salt?: string – Contract code salt if present. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


Sets new salt to contract code.

Returns the new contract code with salt.

type ParamsOfSetCodeSalt = {
    code: string,
    salt: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfSetCodeSalt = {
    code: string

function set_code_salt(
    params: ParamsOfSetCodeSalt,
): Promise<ResultOfSetCodeSalt>;

function set_code_salt_sync(
    params: ParamsOfSetCodeSalt,
): ResultOfSetCodeSalt;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • code: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle

  • salt: string – Code salt to set. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


  • code: string – Contract code with salt set. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


Decodes contract's initial state into code, data, libraries and special options.

type ParamsOfDecodeStateInit = {
    state_init: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfDecodeStateInit = {
    code?: string,
    code_hash?: string,
    code_depth?: number,
    data?: string,
    data_hash?: string,
    data_depth?: number,
    library?: string,
    tick?: boolean,
    tock?: boolean,
    split_depth?: number,
    compiler_version?: string

function decode_state_init(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeStateInit,
): Promise<ResultOfDecodeStateInit>;

function decode_state_init_sync(
    params: ParamsOfDecodeStateInit,
): ResultOfDecodeStateInit;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • state_init: string – Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


  • code?: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • code_hash?: string – Contract code hash

  • code_depth?: number – Contract code depth

  • data?: string – Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • data_hash?: string – Contract data hash

  • data_depth?: number – Contract data depth

  • library?: string – Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • tick?: booleanspecial.tick field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions

  • tock?: booleanspecial.tock field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions

  • split_depth?: number – Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts

  • compiler_version?: string – Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'


Encodes initial contract state from code, data, libraries ans special options (see input params)

type ParamsOfEncodeStateInit = {
    code?: string,
    data?: string,
    library?: string,
    tick?: boolean,
    tock?: boolean,
    split_depth?: number,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfEncodeStateInit = {
    state_init: string

function encode_state_init(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeStateInit,
): Promise<ResultOfEncodeStateInit>;

function encode_state_init_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeStateInit,
): ResultOfEncodeStateInit;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • code?: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • data?: string – Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • library?: string – Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • tick?: booleanspecial.tick field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions

  • tock?: booleanspecial.tock field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions

  • split_depth?: number – Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


  • state_init: string – Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle of boc_cache parameter was specified


Encodes a message

Allows to encode any external inbound message.

type ParamsOfEncodeExternalInMessage = {
    src?: string,
    dst: string,
    init?: string,
    body?: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType

type ResultOfEncodeExternalInMessage = {
    message: string,
    message_id: string

function encode_external_in_message(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeExternalInMessage,
): Promise<ResultOfEncodeExternalInMessage>;

function encode_external_in_message_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncodeExternalInMessage,
): ResultOfEncodeExternalInMessage;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • src?: string – Source address.

  • dst: string – Destination address.

  • init?: string – Bag of cells with state init (used in deploy messages).

  • body?: string – Bag of cells with the message body encoded as base64.

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided


  • message: string – Message BOC encoded with base64.

  • message_id: string – Message id.


Returns the compiler version used to compile the code.

type ParamsOfGetCompilerVersion = {
    code: string

type ResultOfGetCompilerVersion = {
    version?: string

function get_compiler_version(
    params: ParamsOfGetCompilerVersion,
): Promise<ResultOfGetCompilerVersion>;

function get_compiler_version_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetCompilerVersion,
): ResultOfGetCompilerVersion;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • code: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle


  • version?: string – Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'



Pin the BOC with pin name.

Such BOC will not be removed from cache until it is unpinned BOCs can have several pins and each of the pins has reference counter indicating how many times the BOC was pinned with the pin. BOC is removed from cache after all references for all pins are unpinned with cache_unpin function calls.

type BocCacheTypePinnedVariant = {
    pin: string
  • pin: string


BOC is placed into a common BOC pool with limited size regulated by LRU (least recently used) cache lifecycle.

BOC resides there until it is replaced with other BOCs if it is not used

type BocCacheTypeUnpinnedVariant = {



type BocCacheType = ({
    type: 'Pinned'
} & BocCacheTypePinnedVariant) | ({
    type: 'Unpinned'
} & BocCacheTypeUnpinnedVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'Pinned'

Pin the BOC with pin name.

Such BOC will not be removed from cache until it is unpinned BOCs can have several pins and each of the pins has reference counter indicating how many times the BOC was pinned with the pin. BOC is removed from cache after all references for all pins are unpinned with cache_unpin function calls.

  • pin: string

When type is 'Unpinned'

BOC is placed into a common BOC pool with limited size regulated by LRU (least recently used) cache lifecycle.

BOC resides there until it is replaced with other BOCs if it is not used

Variant constructors:

function bocCacheTypePinned(pin: string): BocCacheType;
function bocCacheTypeUnpinned(): BocCacheType;


Append integer to cell data.

type BuilderOpIntegerVariant = {
    size: number,
    value: any
  • size: number – Bit size of the value.

  • value: any – Value: - Number containing integer number. e.g. 123, -123. - Decimal string. e.g. "123", "-123". - 0x prefixed hexadecimal string. e.g 0x123, 0X123, -0x123.


Append bit string to cell data.

type BuilderOpBitStringVariant = {
    value: string
  • value: string – Bit string content using bitstring notation. See TON VM specification 1.0. Contains hexadecimal string representation: - Can end with _ tag. - Can be prefixed with x or X. - Can be prefixed with x{ or X{ and ended with }. Contains binary string represented as a sequence of 0 and 1 prefixed with n or N. Examples: 1AB, x1ab, X1AB, x{1abc}, X{1ABC} 2D9_, x2D9_, X2D9_, x{2D9_}, X{2D9_} n00101101100, N00101101100


Append ref to nested cells.

type BuilderOpCellVariant = {
    builder: BuilderOp[]
  • builder: BuilderOp[] – Nested cell builder.


Append ref to nested cell.

type BuilderOpCellBocVariant = {
    boc: string
  • boc: string – Nested cell BOC encoded with base64 or BOC cache key.



type BuilderOpAddressVariant = {
    address: string
  • address: string – Address in a common workchain:account or base64 format.


Cell builder operation.

type BuilderOp = ({
    type: 'Integer'
} & BuilderOpIntegerVariant) | ({
    type: 'BitString'
} & BuilderOpBitStringVariant) | ({
    type: 'Cell'
} & BuilderOpCellVariant) | ({
    type: 'CellBoc'
} & BuilderOpCellBocVariant) | ({
    type: 'Address'
} & BuilderOpAddressVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'Integer'

Append integer to cell data.

  • size: number – Bit size of the value.

  • value: any – Value: - Number containing integer number. e.g. 123, -123. - Decimal string. e.g. "123", "-123". - 0x prefixed hexadecimal string. e.g 0x123, 0X123, -0x123.

When type is 'BitString'

Append bit string to cell data.

  • value: string – Bit string content using bitstring notation. See TON VM specification 1.0. Contains hexadecimal string representation: - Can end with _ tag. - Can be prefixed with x or X. - Can be prefixed with x{ or X{ and ended with }. Contains binary string represented as a sequence of 0 and 1 prefixed with n or N. Examples: 1AB, x1ab, X1AB, x{1abc}, X{1ABC} 2D9_, x2D9_, X2D9_, x{2D9_}, X{2D9_} n00101101100, N00101101100

When type is 'Cell'

Append ref to nested cells.

  • builder: BuilderOp[] – Nested cell builder.

When type is 'CellBoc'

Append ref to nested cell.

  • boc: string – Nested cell BOC encoded with base64 or BOC cache key.

When type is 'Address'


  • address: string – Address in a common workchain:account or base64 format.

Variant constructors:

function builderOpInteger(size: number, value: any): BuilderOp;
function builderOpBitString(value: string): BuilderOp;
function builderOpCell(builder: BuilderOp[]): BuilderOp;
function builderOpCellBoc(boc: string): BuilderOp;
function builderOpAddress(address: string): BuilderOp;


type TvcV1Variant = {
    value: TvcV1


type Tvc = ({
    type: 'V1'
} & TvcV1Variant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'V1'

Variant constructors:

function tvcV1(value: TvcV1): Tvc;


type TvcV1 = {
    code?: string,
    description?: string
  • code?: string

  • description?: string


enum BocErrorCode {
    InvalidBoc = 201,
    SerializationError = 202,
    InappropriateBlock = 203,
    MissingSourceBoc = 204,
    InsufficientCacheSize = 205,
    BocRefNotFound = 206,
    InvalidBocRef = 207

One of the following value:

  • InvalidBoc = 201

  • SerializationError = 202

  • InappropriateBlock = 203

  • MissingSourceBoc = 204

  • InsufficientCacheSize = 205

  • BocRefNotFound = 206

  • InvalidBocRef = 207


type ParamsOfDecodeTvc = {
    tvc: string
  • tvc: string – Contract TVC BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


type ResultOfDecodeTvc = {
    tvc: Tvc
  • tvc: Tvc – Decoded TVC


type ParamsOfParse = {
    boc: string
  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64


type ResultOfParse = {
    parsed: any
  • parsed: any – JSON containing parsed BOC


type ParamsOfParseShardstate = {
    boc: string,
    id: string,
    workchain_id: number
  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64

  • id: string – Shardstate identifier

  • workchain_id: number – Workchain shardstate belongs to


type ParamsOfGetBlockchainConfig = {
    block_boc: string
  • block_boc: string – Key block BOC or zerostate BOC encoded as base64


type ResultOfGetBlockchainConfig = {
    config_boc: string
  • config_boc: string – Blockchain config BOC encoded as base64


type ParamsOfGetBocHash = {
    boc: string
  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


type ResultOfGetBocHash = {
    hash: string
  • hash: string – BOC root hash encoded with hex


type ParamsOfGetBocDepth = {
    boc: string
  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


type ResultOfGetBocDepth = {
    depth: number
  • depth: number – BOC root cell depth


type ParamsOfGetCodeFromTvc = {
    tvc: string
  • tvc: string – Contract TVC image or image BOC handle


type ResultOfGetCodeFromTvc = {
    code: string
  • code: string – Contract code encoded as base64


type ParamsOfBocCacheGet = {
    boc_ref: string
  • boc_ref: string – Reference to the cached BOC


type ResultOfBocCacheGet = {
    boc?: string
  • boc?: string – BOC encoded as base64.


type ParamsOfBocCacheSet = {
    boc: string,
    cache_type: BocCacheType
  • boc: string – BOC encoded as base64 or BOC reference

  • cache_type: BocCacheType – Cache type


type ResultOfBocCacheSet = {
    boc_ref: string
  • boc_ref: string – Reference to the cached BOC


type ParamsOfBocCacheUnpin = {
    pin: string,
    boc_ref?: string
  • pin: string – Pinned name

  • boc_ref?: string – Reference to the cached BOC. If it is provided then only referenced BOC is unpinned


type ParamsOfEncodeBoc = {
    builder: BuilderOp[],
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType
  • builder: BuilderOp[] – Cell builder operations.

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


type ResultOfEncodeBoc = {
    boc: string
  • boc: string – Encoded cell BOC or BOC cache key.


type ParamsOfGetCodeSalt = {
    code: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType
  • code: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


type ResultOfGetCodeSalt = {
    salt?: string
  • salt?: string – Contract code salt if present. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


type ParamsOfSetCodeSalt = {
    code: string,
    salt: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType
  • code: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle

  • salt: string – Code salt to set. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


type ResultOfSetCodeSalt = {
    code: string
  • code: string – Contract code with salt set. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle


type ParamsOfDecodeStateInit = {
    state_init: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType
  • state_init: string – Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


type ResultOfDecodeStateInit = {
    code?: string,
    code_hash?: string,
    code_depth?: number,
    data?: string,
    data_hash?: string,
    data_depth?: number,
    library?: string,
    tick?: boolean,
    tock?: boolean,
    split_depth?: number,
    compiler_version?: string
  • code?: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • code_hash?: string – Contract code hash

  • code_depth?: number – Contract code depth

  • data?: string – Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • data_hash?: string – Contract data hash

  • data_depth?: number – Contract data depth

  • library?: string – Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • tick?: booleanspecial.tick field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions

  • tock?: booleanspecial.tock field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions

  • split_depth?: number – Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts

  • compiler_version?: string – Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'


type ParamsOfEncodeStateInit = {
    code?: string,
    data?: string,
    library?: string,
    tick?: boolean,
    tock?: boolean,
    split_depth?: number,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType
  • code?: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • data?: string – Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • library?: string – Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle

  • tick?: booleanspecial.tick field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions

  • tock?: booleanspecial.tock field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions

  • split_depth?: number – Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.


type ResultOfEncodeStateInit = {
    state_init: string
  • state_init: string – Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle of boc_cache parameter was specified


type ParamsOfEncodeExternalInMessage = {
    src?: string,
    dst: string,
    init?: string,
    body?: string,
    boc_cache?: BocCacheType
  • src?: string – Source address.

  • dst: string – Destination address.

  • init?: string – Bag of cells with state init (used in deploy messages).

  • body?: string – Bag of cells with the message body encoded as base64.

  • boc_cache?: BocCacheType – Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided


type ResultOfEncodeExternalInMessage = {
    message: string,
    message_id: string
  • message: string – Message BOC encoded with base64.

  • message_id: string – Message id.


type ParamsOfGetCompilerVersion = {
    code: string
  • code: string – Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle


type ResultOfGetCompilerVersion = {
    version?: string
  • version?: string – Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'

Last updated