Module crypto

Module crypto

Crypto functions.


factorize – Integer factorization

modular_power – Modular exponentiation

ton_crc16 – Calculates CRC16 using TON algorithm.

generate_random_bytes – Generates random byte array of the specified length and returns it in base64 format

convert_public_key_to_ton_safe_format – Converts public key to ton safe_format

generate_random_sign_keys – Generates random ed25519 key pair.

sign – Signs a data using the provided keys.

verify_signature – Verifies signed data using the provided public key. Raises error if verification is failed.

sha256 – Calculates SHA256 hash of the specified data.

sha512 – Calculates SHA512 hash of the specified data.

scrypt – Perform scrypt encryption

nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key – Generates a key pair for signing from the secret key

nacl_sign – Signs data using the signer's secret key.

nacl_sign_open – Verifies the signature and returns the unsigned message

nacl_sign_detached – Signs the message using the secret key and returns a signature.

nacl_sign_detached_verify – Verifies the signature with public key and unsigned data.

nacl_box_keypair – Generates a random NaCl key pair

nacl_box_keypair_from_secret_key – Generates key pair from a secret key

nacl_box – Public key authenticated encryption

nacl_box_open – Decrypt and verify the cipher text using the receivers secret key, the senders public key, and the nonce.

nacl_secret_box – Encrypt and authenticate message using nonce and secret key.

nacl_secret_box_open – Decrypts and verifies cipher text using nonce and secret key.

mnemonic_words – Prints the list of words from the specified dictionary

mnemonic_from_random – Generates a random mnemonic

mnemonic_from_entropy – Generates mnemonic from pre-generated entropy

mnemonic_verify – Validates a mnemonic phrase

mnemonic_derive_sign_keys – Derives a key pair for signing from the seed phrase

hdkey_xprv_from_mnemonic – Generates an extended master private key that will be the root for all the derived keys

hdkey_derive_from_xprv – Returns extended private key derived from the specified extended private key and child index

hdkey_derive_from_xprv_path – Derives the extended private key from the specified key and path

hdkey_secret_from_xprv – Extracts the private key from the serialized extended private key

hdkey_public_from_xprv – Extracts the public key from the serialized extended private key

chacha20 – Performs symmetric chacha20 encryption.

create_crypto_box – Creates a Crypto Box instance.

remove_crypto_box – Removes Crypto Box. Clears all secret data.

get_crypto_box_info – Get Crypto Box Info. Used to get encrypted_secret that should be used for all the cryptobox initializations except the first one.

get_crypto_box_seed_phrase – Get Crypto Box Seed Phrase.

get_signing_box_from_crypto_box – Get handle of Signing Box derived from Crypto Box.

get_encryption_box_from_crypto_box – Gets Encryption Box from Crypto Box.

clear_crypto_box_secret_cache – Removes cached secrets (overwrites with zeroes) from all signing and encryption boxes, derived from crypto box.

register_signing_box – Register an application implemented signing box.

get_signing_box – Creates a default signing box implementation.

signing_box_get_public_key – Returns public key of signing key pair.

signing_box_sign – Returns signed user data.

remove_signing_box – Removes signing box from SDK.

register_encryption_box – Register an application implemented encryption box.

remove_encryption_box – Removes encryption box from SDK

encryption_box_get_info – Queries info from the given encryption box

encryption_box_encrypt – Encrypts data using given encryption box Note.

encryption_box_decrypt – Decrypts data using given encryption box Note.

create_encryption_box – Creates encryption box with specified algorithm





EncryptionBoxInfo – Encryption box information.












CryptoBoxSecretRandomSeedPhraseVariant – Creates Crypto Box from a random seed phrase. This option can be used if a developer doesn't want the seed phrase to leave the core library's memory, where it is stored encrypted.

CryptoBoxSecretPredefinedSeedPhraseVariant – Restores crypto box instance from an existing seed phrase. This type should be used when Crypto Box is initialized from a seed phrase, entered by a user.

CryptoBoxSecretEncryptedSecretVariant – Use this type for wallet reinitializations, when you already have encrypted_secret on hands. To get encrypted_secret, use get_crypto_box_info function after you initialized your crypto box for the first time.

CryptoBoxSecret – Crypto Box Secret.




































































ParamsOfAppPasswordProvider – Interface that provides a callback that returns an encrypted password, used for cryptobox secret encryption









ParamsOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant – Get signing box public key

ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant – Sign data

ParamsOfAppSigningBox – Signing box callbacks.

ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant – Result of getting public key

ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant – Result of signing data

ResultOfAppSigningBox – Returning values from signing box callbacks.




ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant – Get encryption box info

ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant – Encrypt data

ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant – Decrypt data

ParamsOfAppEncryptionBox – Interface for data encryption/decryption

ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant – Result of getting encryption box info

ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant – Result of encrypting data

ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant – Result of decrypting data

ResultOfAppEncryptionBox – Returning values from signing box callbacks.








AppPasswordProvider – Interface that provides a callback that returns an encrypted password, used for cryptobox secret encryption

AppSigningBox – Signing box callbacks.

AppEncryptionBox – Interface for data encryption/decryption



Integer factorization

Performs prime factorization – decomposition of a composite number into a product of smaller prime integers (factors). See []

type ParamsOfFactorize = {
    composite: string

type ResultOfFactorize = {
    factors: string[]

function factorize(
    params: ParamsOfFactorize,
): Promise<ResultOfFactorize>;

function factorize_sync(
    params: ParamsOfFactorize,
): ResultOfFactorize;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • composite: string – Hexadecimal representation of u64 composite number.


  • factors: string[] – Two factors of composite or empty if composite can't be factorized.


Modular exponentiation

Performs modular exponentiation for big integers (base^exponent mod modulus). See []

type ParamsOfModularPower = {
    base: string,
    exponent: string,
    modulus: string

type ResultOfModularPower = {
    modular_power: string

function modular_power(
    params: ParamsOfModularPower,
): Promise<ResultOfModularPower>;

function modular_power_sync(
    params: ParamsOfModularPower,
): ResultOfModularPower;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • base: stringbase argument of calculation.

  • exponent: stringexponent argument of calculation.

  • modulus: stringmodulus argument of calculation.


  • modular_power: string – Result of modular exponentiation


Calculates CRC16 using TON algorithm.

type ParamsOfTonCrc16 = {
    data: string

type ResultOfTonCrc16 = {
    crc: number

function ton_crc16(
    params: ParamsOfTonCrc16,
): Promise<ResultOfTonCrc16>;

function ton_crc16_sync(
    params: ParamsOfTonCrc16,
): ResultOfTonCrc16;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • data: string – Input data for CRC calculation. Encoded with base64.


  • crc: number – Calculated CRC for input data.


Generates random byte array of the specified length and returns it in base64 format

type ParamsOfGenerateRandomBytes = {
    length: number

type ResultOfGenerateRandomBytes = {
    bytes: string

function generate_random_bytes(
    params: ParamsOfGenerateRandomBytes,
): Promise<ResultOfGenerateRandomBytes>;

function generate_random_bytes_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGenerateRandomBytes,
): ResultOfGenerateRandomBytes;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • length: number – Size of random byte array.


  • bytes: string – Generated bytes encoded in base64.


Converts public key to ton safe_format

type ParamsOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat = {
    public_key: string

type ResultOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat = {
    ton_public_key: string

function convert_public_key_to_ton_safe_format(
    params: ParamsOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat,
): Promise<ResultOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat>;

function convert_public_key_to_ton_safe_format_sync(
    params: ParamsOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat,
): ResultOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • public_key: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string


  • ton_public_key: string – Public key represented in TON safe format.


Generates random ed25519 key pair.

type KeyPair = {
    public: string,
    secret: string

function generate_random_sign_keys(): Promise<KeyPair>;

function generate_random_sign_keys_sync(): KeyPair;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Private key - u64 symbols hex string


Signs a data using the provided keys.

type ParamsOfSign = {
    unsigned: string,
    keys: KeyPair

type ResultOfSign = {
    signed: string,
    signature: string

function sign(
    params: ParamsOfSign,
): Promise<ResultOfSign>;

function sign_sync(
    params: ParamsOfSign,
): ResultOfSign;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • unsigned: string – Data that must be signed encoded in base64.

  • keys: KeyPair – Sign keys.


  • signed: string – Signed data combined with signature encoded in base64.

  • signature: string – Signature encoded in hex.


Verifies signed data using the provided public key. Raises error if verification is failed.

type ParamsOfVerifySignature = {
    signed: string,
    public: string

type ResultOfVerifySignature = {
    unsigned: string

function verify_signature(
    params: ParamsOfVerifySignature,
): Promise<ResultOfVerifySignature>;

function verify_signature_sync(
    params: ParamsOfVerifySignature,
): ResultOfVerifySignature;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • signed: string – Signed data that must be verified encoded in base64.

  • public: string – Signer's public key - 64 symbols hex string


  • unsigned: string – Unsigned data encoded in base64.


Calculates SHA256 hash of the specified data.

type ParamsOfHash = {
    data: string

type ResultOfHash = {
    hash: string

function sha256(
    params: ParamsOfHash,
): Promise<ResultOfHash>;

function sha256_sync(
    params: ParamsOfHash,
): ResultOfHash;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • data: string – Input data for hash calculation. Encoded with base64.


  • hash: string – Hash of input data. Encoded with 'hex'.


Calculates SHA512 hash of the specified data.

type ParamsOfHash = {
    data: string

type ResultOfHash = {
    hash: string

function sha512(
    params: ParamsOfHash,
): Promise<ResultOfHash>;

function sha512_sync(
    params: ParamsOfHash,
): ResultOfHash;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • data: string – Input data for hash calculation. Encoded with base64.


  • hash: string – Hash of input data. Encoded with 'hex'.


Perform scrypt encryption

Derives key from password and key using scrypt algorithm. See [].


  • log_n - The log2 of the Scrypt parameter N

  • r - The Scrypt parameter r

  • p - The Scrypt parameter p


  • log_n must be less than 64

  • r must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 4294967295

  • p must be greater than 0 and less than 4294967295

  • log_n = 15 (n = 32768)

  • r = 8

  • p = 1

type ParamsOfScrypt = {
    password: string,
    salt: string,
    log_n: number,
    r: number,
    p: number,
    dk_len: number

type ResultOfScrypt = {
    key: string

function scrypt(
    params: ParamsOfScrypt,
): Promise<ResultOfScrypt>;

function scrypt_sync(
    params: ParamsOfScrypt,
): ResultOfScrypt;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • password: string – The password bytes to be hashed. Must be encoded with base64.

  • salt: string – Salt bytes that modify the hash to protect against Rainbow table attacks. Must be encoded with base64.

  • log_n: number – CPU/memory cost parameter

  • r: number – The block size parameter, which fine-tunes sequential memory read size and performance.

  • p: number – Parallelization parameter.

  • dk_len: number – Intended output length in octets of the derived key.


  • key: string – Derived key. Encoded with hex.


Generates a key pair for signing from the secret key

NOTE: In the result the secret key is actually the concatenation of secret and public keys (128 symbols hex string) by design of NaCL. See also the stackexchange question.

type ParamsOfNaclSignKeyPairFromSecret = {
    secret: string

type KeyPair = {
    public: string,
    secret: string

function nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSignKeyPairFromSecret,
): Promise<KeyPair>;

function nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSignKeyPairFromSecret,
): KeyPair;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • secret: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Private key - u64 symbols hex string


Signs data using the signer's secret key.

type ParamsOfNaclSign = {
    unsigned: string,
    secret: string

type ResultOfNaclSign = {
    signed: string

function nacl_sign(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSign,
): Promise<ResultOfNaclSign>;

function nacl_sign_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSign,
): ResultOfNaclSign;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • unsigned: string – Data that must be signed encoded in base64.

  • secret: string – Signer's secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 128 symbols hex string (concatenation of 64 symbols secret and 64 symbols public keys). See nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key.


  • signed: string – Signed data, encoded in base64.


Verifies the signature and returns the unsigned message

Verifies the signature in signed using the signer's public key public and returns the message unsigned.

If the signature fails verification, crypto_sign_open raises an exception.

type ParamsOfNaclSignOpen = {
    signed: string,
    public: string

type ResultOfNaclSignOpen = {
    unsigned: string

function nacl_sign_open(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSignOpen,
): Promise<ResultOfNaclSignOpen>;

function nacl_sign_open_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSignOpen,
): ResultOfNaclSignOpen;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • signed: string – Signed data that must be unsigned. Encoded with base64.

  • public: string – Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


  • unsigned: string – Unsigned data, encoded in base64.


Signs the message using the secret key and returns a signature.

Signs the message unsigned using the secret key secret and returns a signature signature.

type ParamsOfNaclSign = {
    unsigned: string,
    secret: string

type ResultOfNaclSignDetached = {
    signature: string

function nacl_sign_detached(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSign,
): Promise<ResultOfNaclSignDetached>;

function nacl_sign_detached_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSign,
): ResultOfNaclSignDetached;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • unsigned: string – Data that must be signed encoded in base64.

  • secret: string – Signer's secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 128 symbols hex string (concatenation of 64 symbols secret and 64 symbols public keys). See nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key.


  • signature: string – Signature encoded in hex.


Verifies the signature with public key and unsigned data.

type ParamsOfNaclSignDetachedVerify = {
    unsigned: string,
    signature: string,
    public: string

type ResultOfNaclSignDetachedVerify = {
    succeeded: boolean

function nacl_sign_detached_verify(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSignDetachedVerify,
): Promise<ResultOfNaclSignDetachedVerify>;

function nacl_sign_detached_verify_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSignDetachedVerify,
): ResultOfNaclSignDetachedVerify;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • unsigned: string – Unsigned data that must be verified. Encoded with base64.

  • signature: string – Signature that must be verified. Encoded with hex.

  • public: string – Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string.


  • succeeded: booleantrue if verification succeeded or false if it failed


Generates a random NaCl key pair

type KeyPair = {
    public: string,
    secret: string

function nacl_box_keypair(): Promise<KeyPair>;

function nacl_box_keypair_sync(): KeyPair;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Private key - u64 symbols hex string


Generates key pair from a secret key

type ParamsOfNaclBoxKeyPairFromSecret = {
    secret: string

type KeyPair = {
    public: string,
    secret: string

function nacl_box_keypair_from_secret_key(
    params: ParamsOfNaclBoxKeyPairFromSecret,
): Promise<KeyPair>;

function nacl_box_keypair_from_secret_key_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclBoxKeyPairFromSecret,
): KeyPair;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • secret: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Private key - u64 symbols hex string


Public key authenticated encryption

Encrypt and authenticate a message using the senders secret key, the receivers public key, and a nonce.

type ParamsOfNaclBox = {
    decrypted: string,
    nonce: string,
    their_public: string,
    secret: string

type ResultOfNaclBox = {
    encrypted: string

function nacl_box(
    params: ParamsOfNaclBox,
): Promise<ResultOfNaclBox>;

function nacl_box_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclBox,
): ResultOfNaclBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • decrypted: string – Data that must be encrypted encoded in base64.

  • nonce: string – Nonce, encoded in hex

  • their_public: string – Receiver's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Sender's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


  • encrypted: string – Encrypted data encoded in base64.


Decrypt and verify the cipher text using the receivers secret key, the senders public key, and the nonce.

type ParamsOfNaclBoxOpen = {
    encrypted: string,
    nonce: string,
    their_public: string,
    secret: string

type ResultOfNaclBoxOpen = {
    decrypted: string

function nacl_box_open(
    params: ParamsOfNaclBoxOpen,
): Promise<ResultOfNaclBoxOpen>;

function nacl_box_open_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclBoxOpen,
): ResultOfNaclBoxOpen;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • encrypted: string – Data that must be decrypted. Encoded with base64.

  • nonce: string – Nonce

  • their_public: string – Sender's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Receiver's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


  • decrypted: string – Decrypted data encoded in base64.


Encrypt and authenticate message using nonce and secret key.

type ParamsOfNaclSecretBox = {
    decrypted: string,
    nonce: string,
    key: string

type ResultOfNaclBox = {
    encrypted: string

function nacl_secret_box(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSecretBox,
): Promise<ResultOfNaclBox>;

function nacl_secret_box_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSecretBox,
): ResultOfNaclBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • decrypted: string – Data that must be encrypted. Encoded with base64.

  • nonce: string – Nonce in hex

  • key: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


  • encrypted: string – Encrypted data encoded in base64.


Decrypts and verifies cipher text using nonce and secret key.

type ParamsOfNaclSecretBoxOpen = {
    encrypted: string,
    nonce: string,
    key: string

type ResultOfNaclBoxOpen = {
    decrypted: string

function nacl_secret_box_open(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSecretBoxOpen,
): Promise<ResultOfNaclBoxOpen>;

function nacl_secret_box_open_sync(
    params: ParamsOfNaclSecretBoxOpen,
): ResultOfNaclBoxOpen;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • encrypted: string – Data that must be decrypted. Encoded with base64.

  • nonce: string – Nonce in hex

  • key: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


  • decrypted: string – Decrypted data encoded in base64.


Prints the list of words from the specified dictionary

type ParamsOfMnemonicWords = {
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary

type ResultOfMnemonicWords = {
    words: string

function mnemonic_words(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicWords,
): Promise<ResultOfMnemonicWords>;

function mnemonic_words_sync(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicWords,
): ResultOfMnemonicWords;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



  • words: string – The list of mnemonic words


Generates a random mnemonic

Generates a random mnemonic from the specified dictionary and word count

type ParamsOfMnemonicFromRandom = {
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number

type ResultOfMnemonicFromRandom = {
    phrase: string

function mnemonic_from_random(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicFromRandom,
): Promise<ResultOfMnemonicFromRandom>;

function mnemonic_from_random_sync(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicFromRandom,
): ResultOfMnemonicFromRandom;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Mnemonic word count


  • phrase: string – String of mnemonic words


Generates mnemonic from pre-generated entropy

type ParamsOfMnemonicFromEntropy = {
    entropy: string,
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number

type ResultOfMnemonicFromEntropy = {
    phrase: string

function mnemonic_from_entropy(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicFromEntropy,
): Promise<ResultOfMnemonicFromEntropy>;

function mnemonic_from_entropy_sync(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicFromEntropy,
): ResultOfMnemonicFromEntropy;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • entropy: string – Entropy bytes. Hex encoded.

  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Mnemonic word count


  • phrase: string – Phrase


Validates a mnemonic phrase

The phrase supplied will be checked for word length and validated according to the checksum specified in BIP0039.

type ParamsOfMnemonicVerify = {
    phrase: string,
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number

type ResultOfMnemonicVerify = {
    valid: boolean

function mnemonic_verify(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicVerify,
): Promise<ResultOfMnemonicVerify>;

function mnemonic_verify_sync(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicVerify,
): ResultOfMnemonicVerify;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • phrase: string – Phrase

  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Word count


  • valid: boolean – Flag indicating if the mnemonic is valid or not


Derives a key pair for signing from the seed phrase

Validates the seed phrase, generates master key and then derives the key pair from the master key and the specified path

type ParamsOfMnemonicDeriveSignKeys = {
    phrase: string,
    path?: string,
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number

type KeyPair = {
    public: string,
    secret: string

function mnemonic_derive_sign_keys(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicDeriveSignKeys,
): Promise<KeyPair>;

function mnemonic_derive_sign_keys_sync(
    params: ParamsOfMnemonicDeriveSignKeys,
): KeyPair;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • phrase: string – Phrase

  • path?: string – Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"

  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Word count


  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Private key - u64 symbols hex string


Generates an extended master private key that will be the root for all the derived keys

type ParamsOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic = {
    phrase: string,
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number

type ResultOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic = {
    xprv: string

function hdkey_xprv_from_mnemonic(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic,
): Promise<ResultOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic>;

function hdkey_xprv_from_mnemonic_sync(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic,
): ResultOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • phrase: string – String with seed phrase

  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Mnemonic word count


  • xprv: string – Serialized extended master private key


Returns extended private key derived from the specified extended private key and child index

type ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv = {
    xprv: string,
    child_index: number,
    hardened: boolean

type ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv = {
    xprv: string

function hdkey_derive_from_xprv(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv,
): Promise<ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv>;

function hdkey_derive_from_xprv_sync(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv,
): ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key

  • child_index: number – Child index (see BIP-0032)

  • hardened: boolean – Indicates the derivation of hardened/not-hardened key (see BIP-0032)


  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key


Derives the extended private key from the specified key and path

type ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath = {
    xprv: string,
    path: string

type ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath = {
    xprv: string

function hdkey_derive_from_xprv_path(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath,
): Promise<ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath>;

function hdkey_derive_from_xprv_path_sync(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath,
): ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key

  • path: string – Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"


  • xprv: string – Derived serialized extended private key


Extracts the private key from the serialized extended private key

type ParamsOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv = {
    xprv: string

type ResultOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv = {
    secret: string

function hdkey_secret_from_xprv(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv,
): Promise<ResultOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv>;

function hdkey_secret_from_xprv_sync(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv,
): ResultOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key


  • secret: string – Private key - 64 symbols hex string


Extracts the public key from the serialized extended private key

type ParamsOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv = {
    xprv: string

type ResultOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv = {
    public: string

function hdkey_public_from_xprv(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv,
): Promise<ResultOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv>;

function hdkey_public_from_xprv_sync(
    params: ParamsOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv,
): ResultOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key


  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string


Performs symmetric chacha20 encryption.

type ParamsOfChaCha20 = {
    data: string,
    key: string,
    nonce: string

type ResultOfChaCha20 = {
    data: string

function chacha20(
    params: ParamsOfChaCha20,
): Promise<ResultOfChaCha20>;

function chacha20_sync(
    params: ParamsOfChaCha20,
): ResultOfChaCha20;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • data: string – Source data to be encrypted or decrypted. Must be encoded with base64.

  • key: string – 256-bit key. Must be encoded with hex.

  • nonce: string – 96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with hex.


  • data: string – Encrypted/decrypted data. Encoded with base64.


Creates a Crypto Box instance.

Crypto Box is a root crypto object, that encapsulates some secret (seed phrase usually) in encrypted form and acts as a factory for all crypto primitives used in SDK: keys for signing and encryption, derived from this secret.

Crypto Box encrypts original Seed Phrase with salt and password that is retrieved from password_provider callback, implemented on Application side.

When used, decrypted secret shows up in core library's memory for a very short period of time and then is immediately overwritten with zeroes.

type ParamsOfCreateCryptoBox = {
    secret_encryption_salt: string,
    secret: CryptoBoxSecret

type RegisteredCryptoBox = {
    handle: CryptoBoxHandle

function create_crypto_box(
    params: ParamsOfCreateCryptoBox,
    obj: AppPasswordProvider,
): Promise<RegisteredCryptoBox>;

function create_crypto_box_sync(
    params: ParamsOfCreateCryptoBox,
): RegisteredCryptoBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • secret_encryption_salt: string – Salt used for secret encryption. For example, a mobile device can use device ID as salt.

  • secret: CryptoBoxSecret – Cryptobox secret

  • obj: AppPasswordProvider – Interface that provides a callback that returns an encrypted password, used for cryptobox secret encryption



Removes Crypto Box. Clears all secret data.

type RegisteredCryptoBox = {
    handle: CryptoBoxHandle

function remove_crypto_box(
    params: RegisteredCryptoBox,
): Promise<void>;

function remove_crypto_box_sync(
    params: RegisteredCryptoBox,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



Get Crypto Box Info. Used to get encrypted_secret that should be used for all the cryptobox initializations except the first one.

type RegisteredCryptoBox = {
    handle: CryptoBoxHandle

type ResultOfGetCryptoBoxInfo = {
    encrypted_secret: string

function get_crypto_box_info(
    params: RegisteredCryptoBox,
): Promise<ResultOfGetCryptoBoxInfo>;

function get_crypto_box_info_sync(
    params: RegisteredCryptoBox,
): ResultOfGetCryptoBoxInfo;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



  • encrypted_secret: string – Secret (seed phrase) encrypted with salt and password.


Get Crypto Box Seed Phrase.

Attention! Store this data in your application for a very short period of time and overwrite it with zeroes ASAP.

type RegisteredCryptoBox = {
    handle: CryptoBoxHandle

type ResultOfGetCryptoBoxSeedPhrase = {
    phrase: string,
    dictionary: MnemonicDictionary,
    wordcount: number

function get_crypto_box_seed_phrase(
    params: RegisteredCryptoBox,
): Promise<ResultOfGetCryptoBoxSeedPhrase>;

function get_crypto_box_seed_phrase_sync(
    params: RegisteredCryptoBox,
): ResultOfGetCryptoBoxSeedPhrase;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.




Get handle of Signing Box derived from Crypto Box.

type ParamsOfGetSigningBoxFromCryptoBox = {
    handle: number,
    hdpath?: string,
    secret_lifetime?: number

type RegisteredSigningBox = {
    handle: SigningBoxHandle

function get_signing_box_from_crypto_box(
    params: ParamsOfGetSigningBoxFromCryptoBox,
): Promise<RegisteredSigningBox>;

function get_signing_box_from_crypto_box_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetSigningBoxFromCryptoBox,
): RegisteredSigningBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • handle: number – Crypto Box Handle.

  • hdpath?: string – HD key derivation path. By default, Acki Nacki HD path is used.

  • secret_lifetime?: number – Store derived secret for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each signing box operation. Secrets will be deleted immediately after each signing box operation, if this value is not set.



Gets Encryption Box from Crypto Box.

Derives encryption keypair from cryptobox secret and hdpath and stores it in cache for secret_lifetime or until explicitly cleared by clear_crypto_box_secret_cache method. If secret_lifetime is not specified - overwrites encryption secret with zeroes immediately after encryption operation.

type ParamsOfGetEncryptionBoxFromCryptoBox = {
    handle: number,
    hdpath?: string,
    algorithm: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm,
    secret_lifetime?: number

type RegisteredEncryptionBox = {
    handle: EncryptionBoxHandle

function get_encryption_box_from_crypto_box(
    params: ParamsOfGetEncryptionBoxFromCryptoBox,
): Promise<RegisteredEncryptionBox>;

function get_encryption_box_from_crypto_box_sync(
    params: ParamsOfGetEncryptionBoxFromCryptoBox,
): RegisteredEncryptionBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • handle: number – Crypto Box Handle.

  • hdpath?: string – HD key derivation path. By default, Acki Nacki HD path is used.

  • algorithm: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm – Encryption algorithm.

  • secret_lifetime?: number – Store derived secret for encryption algorithm for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each encryption box operation. Secrets will be deleted (overwritten with zeroes) after each encryption operation, if this value is not set.



Removes cached secrets (overwrites with zeroes) from all signing and encryption boxes, derived from crypto box.

type RegisteredCryptoBox = {
    handle: CryptoBoxHandle

function clear_crypto_box_secret_cache(
    params: RegisteredCryptoBox,
): Promise<void>;

function clear_crypto_box_secret_cache_sync(
    params: RegisteredCryptoBox,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



Register an application implemented signing box.

type RegisteredSigningBox = {
    handle: SigningBoxHandle

function register_signing_box(
    obj: AppSigningBox,
): Promise<RegisteredSigningBox>;

function register_signing_box_sync(): RegisteredSigningBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.




Creates a default signing box implementation.

type KeyPair = {
    public: string,
    secret: string

type RegisteredSigningBox = {
    handle: SigningBoxHandle

function get_signing_box(
    params: KeyPair,
): Promise<RegisteredSigningBox>;

function get_signing_box_sync(
    params: KeyPair,
): RegisteredSigningBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Private key - u64 symbols hex string



Returns public key of signing key pair.

type RegisteredSigningBox = {
    handle: SigningBoxHandle

type ResultOfSigningBoxGetPublicKey = {
    pubkey: string

function signing_box_get_public_key(
    params: RegisteredSigningBox,
): Promise<ResultOfSigningBoxGetPublicKey>;

function signing_box_get_public_key_sync(
    params: RegisteredSigningBox,
): ResultOfSigningBoxGetPublicKey;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



  • pubkey: string – Public key of signing box. Encoded with hex


Returns signed user data.

type ParamsOfSigningBoxSign = {
    signing_box: SigningBoxHandle,
    unsigned: string

type ResultOfSigningBoxSign = {
    signature: string

function signing_box_sign(
    params: ParamsOfSigningBoxSign,
): Promise<ResultOfSigningBoxSign>;

function signing_box_sign_sync(
    params: ParamsOfSigningBoxSign,
): ResultOfSigningBoxSign;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • signing_box: SigningBoxHandle – Signing Box handle.

  • unsigned: string – Unsigned user data. Must be encoded with base64.


  • signature: string – Data signature. Encoded with hex.


Removes signing box from SDK.

type RegisteredSigningBox = {
    handle: SigningBoxHandle

function remove_signing_box(
    params: RegisteredSigningBox,
): Promise<void>;

function remove_signing_box_sync(
    params: RegisteredSigningBox,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



Register an application implemented encryption box.

type RegisteredEncryptionBox = {
    handle: EncryptionBoxHandle

function register_encryption_box(
    obj: AppEncryptionBox,
): Promise<RegisteredEncryptionBox>;

function register_encryption_box_sync(): RegisteredEncryptionBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.




Removes encryption box from SDK

type RegisteredEncryptionBox = {
    handle: EncryptionBoxHandle

function remove_encryption_box(
    params: RegisteredEncryptionBox,
): Promise<void>;

function remove_encryption_box_sync(
    params: RegisteredEncryptionBox,
): void;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



Queries info from the given encryption box

type ParamsOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo = {
    encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle

type ResultOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo = {
    info: EncryptionBoxInfo

function encryption_box_get_info(
    params: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo,
): Promise<ResultOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo>;

function encryption_box_get_info_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo,
): ResultOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.




Encrypts data using given encryption box Note.

Block cipher algorithms pad data to cipher block size so encrypted data can be longer then original data. Client should store the original data size after encryption and use it after decryption to retrieve the original data from decrypted data.

type ParamsOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt = {
    encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle,
    data: string

type ResultOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt = {
    data: string

function encryption_box_encrypt(
    params: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt,
): Promise<ResultOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt>;

function encryption_box_encrypt_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt,
): ResultOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle – Encryption box handle

  • data: string – Data to be encrypted, encoded in Base64


  • data: string – Encrypted data, encoded in Base64. Padded to cipher block size


Decrypts data using given encryption box Note.

Block cipher algorithms pad data to cipher block size so encrypted data can be longer then original data. Client should store the original data size after encryption and use it after decryption to retrieve the original data from decrypted data.

type ParamsOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt = {
    encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle,
    data: string

type ResultOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt = {
    data: string

function encryption_box_decrypt(
    params: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt,
): Promise<ResultOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt>;

function encryption_box_decrypt_sync(
    params: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt,
): ResultOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle – Encryption box handle

  • data: string – Data to be decrypted, encoded in Base64


  • data: string – Decrypted data, encoded in Base64.


Creates encryption box with specified algorithm

type ParamsOfCreateEncryptionBox = {
    algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm

type RegisteredEncryptionBox = {
    handle: EncryptionBoxHandle

function create_encryption_box(
    params: ParamsOfCreateEncryptionBox,
): Promise<RegisteredEncryptionBox>;

function create_encryption_box_sync(
    params: ParamsOfCreateEncryptionBox,
): RegisteredEncryptionBox;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm – Encryption algorithm specifier including cipher parameters (key, IV, etc)




enum CryptoErrorCode {
    InvalidPublicKey = 100,
    InvalidSecretKey = 101,
    InvalidKey = 102,
    InvalidFactorizeChallenge = 106,
    InvalidBigInt = 107,
    ScryptFailed = 108,
    InvalidKeySize = 109,
    NaclSecretBoxFailed = 110,
    NaclBoxFailed = 111,
    NaclSignFailed = 112,
    Bip39InvalidEntropy = 113,
    Bip39InvalidPhrase = 114,
    Bip32InvalidKey = 115,
    Bip32InvalidDerivePath = 116,
    Bip39InvalidDictionary = 117,
    Bip39InvalidWordCount = 118,
    MnemonicGenerationFailed = 119,
    MnemonicFromEntropyFailed = 120,
    SigningBoxNotRegistered = 121,
    InvalidSignature = 122,
    EncryptionBoxNotRegistered = 123,
    InvalidIvSize = 124,
    UnsupportedCipherMode = 125,
    CannotCreateCipher = 126,
    EncryptDataError = 127,
    DecryptDataError = 128,
    IvRequired = 129,
    CryptoBoxNotRegistered = 130,
    InvalidCryptoBoxType = 131,
    CryptoBoxSecretSerializationError = 132,
    CryptoBoxSecretDeserializationError = 133,
    InvalidNonceSize = 134

One of the following value:

  • InvalidPublicKey = 100

  • InvalidSecretKey = 101

  • InvalidKey = 102

  • InvalidFactorizeChallenge = 106

  • InvalidBigInt = 107

  • ScryptFailed = 108

  • InvalidKeySize = 109

  • NaclSecretBoxFailed = 110

  • NaclBoxFailed = 111

  • NaclSignFailed = 112

  • Bip39InvalidEntropy = 113

  • Bip39InvalidPhrase = 114

  • Bip32InvalidKey = 115

  • Bip32InvalidDerivePath = 116

  • Bip39InvalidDictionary = 117

  • Bip39InvalidWordCount = 118

  • MnemonicGenerationFailed = 119

  • MnemonicFromEntropyFailed = 120

  • SigningBoxNotRegistered = 121

  • InvalidSignature = 122

  • EncryptionBoxNotRegistered = 123

  • InvalidIvSize = 124

  • UnsupportedCipherMode = 125

  • CannotCreateCipher = 126

  • EncryptDataError = 127

  • DecryptDataError = 128

  • IvRequired = 129

  • CryptoBoxNotRegistered = 130

  • InvalidCryptoBoxType = 131

  • CryptoBoxSecretSerializationError = 132

  • CryptoBoxSecretDeserializationError = 133

  • InvalidNonceSize = 134


type SigningBoxHandle = number


type EncryptionBoxHandle = number


Encryption box information.

type EncryptionBoxInfo = {
    hdpath?: string,
    algorithm?: string,
    options?: any,
    public?: any
  • hdpath?: string – Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"

  • algorithm?: string – Cryptographic algorithm, used by this encryption box

  • options?: any – Options, depends on algorithm and specific encryption box implementation

  • public?: any – Public information, depends on algorithm


type EncryptionAlgorithmAESVariant = {
    value: AesParamsEB


type EncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20Variant = {
    value: ChaCha20ParamsEB


type EncryptionAlgorithmNaclBoxVariant = {
    value: NaclBoxParamsEB


type EncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBoxVariant = {
    value: NaclSecretBoxParamsEB


type EncryptionAlgorithm = ({
    type: 'AES'
} & EncryptionAlgorithmAESVariant) | ({
    type: 'ChaCha20'
} & EncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20Variant) | ({
    type: 'NaclBox'
} & EncryptionAlgorithmNaclBoxVariant) | ({
    type: 'NaclSecretBox'
} & EncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBoxVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'AES'

When type is 'ChaCha20'

When type is 'NaclBox'

When type is 'NaclSecretBox'

Variant constructors:

function encryptionAlgorithmAES(value: AesParamsEB): EncryptionAlgorithm;
function encryptionAlgorithmChaCha20(value: ChaCha20ParamsEB): EncryptionAlgorithm;
function encryptionAlgorithmNaclBox(value: NaclBoxParamsEB): EncryptionAlgorithm;
function encryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBox(value: NaclSecretBoxParamsEB): EncryptionAlgorithm;


enum CipherMode {
    CBC = "CBC",
    CFB = "CFB",
    CTR = "CTR",
    ECB = "ECB",
    OFB = "OFB"

One of the following value:

  • CBC = "CBC"

  • CFB = "CFB"

  • CTR = "CTR"

  • ECB = "ECB"

  • OFB = "OFB"


type AesParamsEB = {
    mode: CipherMode,
    key: string,
    iv?: string


type AesInfo = {
    mode: CipherMode,
    iv?: string


type ChaCha20ParamsEB = {
    key: string,
    nonce: string
  • key: string – 256-bit key. Must be encoded with hex.

  • nonce: string – 96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with hex.


type NaclBoxParamsEB = {
    their_public: string,
    secret: string,
    nonce: string
  • their_public: string – 256-bit key. Must be encoded with hex.

  • secret: string – 256-bit key. Must be encoded with hex.

  • nonce: string – 96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with hex.


type NaclSecretBoxParamsEB = {
    key: string,
    nonce: string
  • key: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

  • nonce: string – Nonce in hex


Creates Crypto Box from a random seed phrase. This option can be used if a developer doesn't want the seed phrase to leave the core library's memory, where it is stored encrypted.

This type should be used upon the first wallet initialization, all further initializations should use EncryptedSecret type instead.

Get encrypted_secret with get_crypto_box_info function and store it on your side.

type CryptoBoxSecretRandomSeedPhraseVariant = {
    dictionary: MnemonicDictionary,
    wordcount: number


Restores crypto box instance from an existing seed phrase. This type should be used when Crypto Box is initialized from a seed phrase, entered by a user.

This type should be used only upon the first wallet initialization, all further initializations should use EncryptedSecret type instead.

Get encrypted_secret with get_crypto_box_info function and store it on your side.

type CryptoBoxSecretPredefinedSeedPhraseVariant = {
    phrase: string,
    dictionary: MnemonicDictionary,
    wordcount: number


Use this type for wallet reinitializations, when you already have encrypted_secret on hands. To get encrypted_secret, use get_crypto_box_info function after you initialized your crypto box for the first time.

It is an object, containing seed phrase or private key, encrypted with secret_encryption_salt and password from password_provider.

Note that if you want to change salt or password provider, then you need to reinitialize the wallet with PredefinedSeedPhrase, then get EncryptedSecret via get_crypto_box_info, store it somewhere, and only after that initialize the wallet with EncryptedSecret type.

type CryptoBoxSecretEncryptedSecretVariant = {
    encrypted_secret: string
  • encrypted_secret: string – It is an object, containing encrypted seed phrase or private key (now we support only seed phrase).


Crypto Box Secret.

type CryptoBoxSecret = ({
    type: 'RandomSeedPhrase'
} & CryptoBoxSecretRandomSeedPhraseVariant) | ({
    type: 'PredefinedSeedPhrase'
} & CryptoBoxSecretPredefinedSeedPhraseVariant) | ({
    type: 'EncryptedSecret'
} & CryptoBoxSecretEncryptedSecretVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'RandomSeedPhrase'

Creates Crypto Box from a random seed phrase. This option can be used if a developer doesn't want the seed phrase to leave the core library's memory, where it is stored encrypted.

This type should be used upon the first wallet initialization, all further initializations should use EncryptedSecret type instead.

Get encrypted_secret with get_crypto_box_info function and store it on your side.

When type is 'PredefinedSeedPhrase'

Restores crypto box instance from an existing seed phrase. This type should be used when Crypto Box is initialized from a seed phrase, entered by a user.

This type should be used only upon the first wallet initialization, all further initializations should use EncryptedSecret type instead.

Get encrypted_secret with get_crypto_box_info function and store it on your side.

When type is 'EncryptedSecret'

Use this type for wallet reinitializations, when you already have encrypted_secret on hands. To get encrypted_secret, use get_crypto_box_info function after you initialized your crypto box for the first time.

It is an object, containing seed phrase or private key, encrypted with secret_encryption_salt and password from password_provider.

Note that if you want to change salt or password provider, then you need to reinitialize the wallet with PredefinedSeedPhrase, then get EncryptedSecret via get_crypto_box_info, store it somewhere, and only after that initialize the wallet with EncryptedSecret type.

  • encrypted_secret: string – It is an object, containing encrypted seed phrase or private key (now we support only seed phrase).

Variant constructors:

function cryptoBoxSecretRandomSeedPhrase(dictionary: MnemonicDictionary, wordcount: number): CryptoBoxSecret;
function cryptoBoxSecretPredefinedSeedPhrase(phrase: string, dictionary: MnemonicDictionary, wordcount: number): CryptoBoxSecret;
function cryptoBoxSecretEncryptedSecret(encrypted_secret: string): CryptoBoxSecret;


type CryptoBoxHandle = number


type BoxEncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20Variant = {
    value: ChaCha20ParamsCB


type BoxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclBoxVariant = {
    value: NaclBoxParamsCB


type BoxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBoxVariant = {
    value: NaclSecretBoxParamsCB


type BoxEncryptionAlgorithm = ({
    type: 'ChaCha20'
} & BoxEncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20Variant) | ({
    type: 'NaclBox'
} & BoxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclBoxVariant) | ({
    type: 'NaclSecretBox'
} & BoxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBoxVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'ChaCha20'

When type is 'NaclBox'

When type is 'NaclSecretBox'

Variant constructors:

function boxEncryptionAlgorithmChaCha20(value: ChaCha20ParamsCB): BoxEncryptionAlgorithm;
function boxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclBox(value: NaclBoxParamsCB): BoxEncryptionAlgorithm;
function boxEncryptionAlgorithmNaclSecretBox(value: NaclSecretBoxParamsCB): BoxEncryptionAlgorithm;


type ChaCha20ParamsCB = {
    nonce: string
  • nonce: string – 96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with hex.


type NaclBoxParamsCB = {
    their_public: string,
    nonce: string
  • their_public: string – 256-bit key. Must be encoded with hex.

  • nonce: string – 96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with hex.


type NaclSecretBoxParamsCB = {
    nonce: string
  • nonce: string – Nonce in hex


enum MnemonicDictionary {
    Ton = 0,
    English = 1,
    ChineseSimplified = 2,
    ChineseTraditional = 3,
    French = 4,
    Italian = 5,
    Japanese = 6,
    Korean = 7,
    Spanish = 8

One of the following value:

  • Ton = 0 – TON compatible dictionary

  • English = 1 – English BIP-39 dictionary

  • ChineseSimplified = 2 – Chinese simplified BIP-39 dictionary

  • ChineseTraditional = 3 – Chinese traditional BIP-39 dictionary

  • French = 4 – French BIP-39 dictionary

  • Italian = 5 – Italian BIP-39 dictionary

  • Japanese = 6 – Japanese BIP-39 dictionary

  • Korean = 7 – Korean BIP-39 dictionary

  • Spanish = 8 – Spanish BIP-39 dictionary


type ParamsOfFactorize = {
    composite: string
  • composite: string – Hexadecimal representation of u64 composite number.


type ResultOfFactorize = {
    factors: string[]
  • factors: string[] – Two factors of composite or empty if composite can't be factorized.


type ParamsOfModularPower = {
    base: string,
    exponent: string,
    modulus: string
  • base: stringbase argument of calculation.

  • exponent: stringexponent argument of calculation.

  • modulus: stringmodulus argument of calculation.


type ResultOfModularPower = {
    modular_power: string
  • modular_power: string – Result of modular exponentiation


type ParamsOfTonCrc16 = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Input data for CRC calculation. Encoded with base64.


type ResultOfTonCrc16 = {
    crc: number
  • crc: number – Calculated CRC for input data.


type ParamsOfGenerateRandomBytes = {
    length: number
  • length: number – Size of random byte array.


type ResultOfGenerateRandomBytes = {
    bytes: string
  • bytes: string – Generated bytes encoded in base64.


type ParamsOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat = {
    public_key: string
  • public_key: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string


type ResultOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat = {
    ton_public_key: string
  • ton_public_key: string – Public key represented in TON safe format.


type KeyPair = {
    public: string,
    secret: string
  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Private key - u64 symbols hex string


type ParamsOfSign = {
    unsigned: string,
    keys: KeyPair
  • unsigned: string – Data that must be signed encoded in base64.

  • keys: KeyPair – Sign keys.


type ResultOfSign = {
    signed: string,
    signature: string
  • signed: string – Signed data combined with signature encoded in base64.

  • signature: string – Signature encoded in hex.


type ParamsOfVerifySignature = {
    signed: string,
    public: string
  • signed: string – Signed data that must be verified encoded in base64.

  • public: string – Signer's public key - 64 symbols hex string


type ResultOfVerifySignature = {
    unsigned: string
  • unsigned: string – Unsigned data encoded in base64.


type ParamsOfHash = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Input data for hash calculation. Encoded with base64.


type ResultOfHash = {
    hash: string
  • hash: string – Hash of input data. Encoded with 'hex'.


type ParamsOfScrypt = {
    password: string,
    salt: string,
    log_n: number,
    r: number,
    p: number,
    dk_len: number
  • password: string – The password bytes to be hashed. Must be encoded with base64.

  • salt: string – Salt bytes that modify the hash to protect against Rainbow table attacks. Must be encoded with base64.

  • log_n: number – CPU/memory cost parameter

  • r: number – The block size parameter, which fine-tunes sequential memory read size and performance.

  • p: number – Parallelization parameter.

  • dk_len: number – Intended output length in octets of the derived key.


type ResultOfScrypt = {
    key: string
  • key: string – Derived key. Encoded with hex.


type ParamsOfNaclSignKeyPairFromSecret = {
    secret: string
  • secret: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


type ParamsOfNaclSign = {
    unsigned: string,
    secret: string
  • unsigned: string – Data that must be signed encoded in base64.

  • secret: string – Signer's secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 128 symbols hex string (concatenation of 64 symbols secret and 64 symbols public keys). See nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key.


type ResultOfNaclSign = {
    signed: string
  • signed: string – Signed data, encoded in base64.


type ParamsOfNaclSignOpen = {
    signed: string,
    public: string
  • signed: string – Signed data that must be unsigned. Encoded with base64.

  • public: string – Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


type ResultOfNaclSignOpen = {
    unsigned: string
  • unsigned: string – Unsigned data, encoded in base64.


type ResultOfNaclSignDetached = {
    signature: string
  • signature: string – Signature encoded in hex.


type ParamsOfNaclSignDetachedVerify = {
    unsigned: string,
    signature: string,
    public: string
  • unsigned: string – Unsigned data that must be verified. Encoded with base64.

  • signature: string – Signature that must be verified. Encoded with hex.

  • public: string – Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string.


type ResultOfNaclSignDetachedVerify = {
    succeeded: boolean
  • succeeded: booleantrue if verification succeeded or false if it failed


type ParamsOfNaclBoxKeyPairFromSecret = {
    secret: string
  • secret: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


type ParamsOfNaclBox = {
    decrypted: string,
    nonce: string,
    their_public: string,
    secret: string
  • decrypted: string – Data that must be encrypted encoded in base64.

  • nonce: string – Nonce, encoded in hex

  • their_public: string – Receiver's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Sender's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


type ResultOfNaclBox = {
    encrypted: string
  • encrypted: string – Encrypted data encoded in base64.


type ParamsOfNaclBoxOpen = {
    encrypted: string,
    nonce: string,
    their_public: string,
    secret: string
  • encrypted: string – Data that must be decrypted. Encoded with base64.

  • nonce: string – Nonce

  • their_public: string – Sender's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string

  • secret: string – Receiver's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


type ResultOfNaclBoxOpen = {
    decrypted: string
  • decrypted: string – Decrypted data encoded in base64.


type ParamsOfNaclSecretBox = {
    decrypted: string,
    nonce: string,
    key: string
  • decrypted: string – Data that must be encrypted. Encoded with base64.

  • nonce: string – Nonce in hex

  • key: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


type ParamsOfNaclSecretBoxOpen = {
    encrypted: string,
    nonce: string,
    key: string
  • encrypted: string – Data that must be decrypted. Encoded with base64.

  • nonce: string – Nonce in hex

  • key: string – Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string


type ParamsOfMnemonicWords = {
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary


type ResultOfMnemonicWords = {
    words: string
  • words: string – The list of mnemonic words


type ParamsOfMnemonicFromRandom = {
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number
  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Mnemonic word count


type ResultOfMnemonicFromRandom = {
    phrase: string
  • phrase: string – String of mnemonic words


type ParamsOfMnemonicFromEntropy = {
    entropy: string,
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number
  • entropy: string – Entropy bytes. Hex encoded.

  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Mnemonic word count


type ResultOfMnemonicFromEntropy = {
    phrase: string
  • phrase: string – Phrase


type ParamsOfMnemonicVerify = {
    phrase: string,
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number
  • phrase: string – Phrase

  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Word count


type ResultOfMnemonicVerify = {
    valid: boolean
  • valid: boolean – Flag indicating if the mnemonic is valid or not


type ParamsOfMnemonicDeriveSignKeys = {
    phrase: string,
    path?: string,
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number
  • phrase: string – Phrase

  • path?: string – Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"

  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Word count


type ParamsOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic = {
    phrase: string,
    dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary,
    word_count?: number
  • phrase: string – String with seed phrase

  • dictionary?: MnemonicDictionary – Dictionary identifier

  • word_count?: number – Mnemonic word count


type ResultOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic = {
    xprv: string
  • xprv: string – Serialized extended master private key


type ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv = {
    xprv: string,
    child_index: number,
    hardened: boolean
  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key

  • child_index: number – Child index (see BIP-0032)

  • hardened: boolean – Indicates the derivation of hardened/not-hardened key (see BIP-0032)


type ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv = {
    xprv: string
  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key


type ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath = {
    xprv: string,
    path: string
  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key

  • path: string – Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"


type ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath = {
    xprv: string
  • xprv: string – Derived serialized extended private key


type ParamsOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv = {
    xprv: string
  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key


type ResultOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv = {
    secret: string
  • secret: string – Private key - 64 symbols hex string


type ParamsOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv = {
    xprv: string
  • xprv: string – Serialized extended private key


type ResultOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv = {
    public: string
  • public: string – Public key - 64 symbols hex string


type ParamsOfChaCha20 = {
    data: string,
    key: string,
    nonce: string
  • data: string – Source data to be encrypted or decrypted. Must be encoded with base64.

  • key: string – 256-bit key. Must be encoded with hex.

  • nonce: string – 96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with hex.


type ResultOfChaCha20 = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Encrypted/decrypted data. Encoded with base64.


type ParamsOfCreateCryptoBox = {
    secret_encryption_salt: string,
    secret: CryptoBoxSecret
  • secret_encryption_salt: string – Salt used for secret encryption. For example, a mobile device can use device ID as salt.

  • secret: CryptoBoxSecret – Cryptobox secret


type RegisteredCryptoBox = {
    handle: CryptoBoxHandle


type ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant = {
    encryption_public_key: string
  • encryption_public_key: string – Temporary library pubkey, that is used on application side for password encryption, along with application temporary private key and nonce. Used for password decryption on library side.


Interface that provides a callback that returns an encrypted password, used for cryptobox secret encryption

To secure the password while passing it from application to the library, the library generates a temporary key pair, passes the pubkey to the passwordProvider, decrypts the received password with private key, and deletes the key pair right away.

Application should generate a temporary nacl_box_keypair and encrypt the password with naclbox function using nacl_box_keypair.secret and encryption_public_key keys + nonce = 24-byte prefix of encryption_public_key.

type ParamsOfAppPasswordProvider = ({
    type: 'GetPassword'
} & ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'GetPassword'

  • encryption_public_key: string – Temporary library pubkey, that is used on application side for password encryption, along with application temporary private key and nonce. Used for password decryption on library side.

Variant constructors:

function paramsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPassword(encryption_public_key: string): ParamsOfAppPasswordProvider;


type ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant = {
    encrypted_password: string,
    app_encryption_pubkey: string
  • encrypted_password: string – Password, encrypted and encoded to base64. Crypto box uses this password to decrypt its secret (seed phrase).

  • app_encryption_pubkey: string – Hex encoded public key of a temporary key pair, used for password encryption on application side. Used together with encryption_public_key to decode encrypted_password.


type ResultOfAppPasswordProvider = ({
    type: 'GetPassword'
} & ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'GetPassword'

  • encrypted_password: string – Password, encrypted and encoded to base64. Crypto box uses this password to decrypt its secret (seed phrase).

  • app_encryption_pubkey: string – Hex encoded public key of a temporary key pair, used for password encryption on application side. Used together with encryption_public_key to decode encrypted_password.

Variant constructors:

function resultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPassword(encrypted_password: string, app_encryption_pubkey: string): ResultOfAppPasswordProvider;


type ResultOfGetCryptoBoxInfo = {
    encrypted_secret: string
  • encrypted_secret: string – Secret (seed phrase) encrypted with salt and password.


type ResultOfGetCryptoBoxSeedPhrase = {
    phrase: string,
    dictionary: MnemonicDictionary,
    wordcount: number


type ParamsOfGetSigningBoxFromCryptoBox = {
    handle: number,
    hdpath?: string,
    secret_lifetime?: number
  • handle: number – Crypto Box Handle.

  • hdpath?: string – HD key derivation path. By default, Acki Nacki HD path is used.

  • secret_lifetime?: number – Store derived secret for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each signing box operation. Secrets will be deleted immediately after each signing box operation, if this value is not set.


type RegisteredSigningBox = {
    handle: SigningBoxHandle


type ParamsOfGetEncryptionBoxFromCryptoBox = {
    handle: number,
    hdpath?: string,
    algorithm: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm,
    secret_lifetime?: number
  • handle: number – Crypto Box Handle.

  • hdpath?: string – HD key derivation path. By default, Acki Nacki HD path is used.

  • algorithm: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm – Encryption algorithm.

  • secret_lifetime?: number – Store derived secret for encryption algorithm for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each encryption box operation. Secrets will be deleted (overwritten with zeroes) after each encryption operation, if this value is not set.


type RegisteredEncryptionBox = {
    handle: EncryptionBoxHandle


Get signing box public key

type ParamsOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant = {



Sign data

type ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant = {
    unsigned: string
  • unsigned: string – Data to sign encoded as base64


Signing box callbacks.

type ParamsOfAppSigningBox = ({
    type: 'GetPublicKey'
} & ParamsOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant) | ({
    type: 'Sign'
} & ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'GetPublicKey'

Get signing box public key

When type is 'Sign'

Sign data

  • unsigned: string – Data to sign encoded as base64

Variant constructors:

function paramsOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKey(): ParamsOfAppSigningBox;
function paramsOfAppSigningBoxSign(unsigned: string): ParamsOfAppSigningBox;


Result of getting public key

type ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant = {
    public_key: string
  • public_key: string – Signing box public key


Result of signing data

type ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant = {
    signature: string
  • signature: string – Data signature encoded as hex


Returning values from signing box callbacks.

type ResultOfAppSigningBox = ({
    type: 'GetPublicKey'
} & ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant) | ({
    type: 'Sign'
} & ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'GetPublicKey'

Result of getting public key

  • public_key: string – Signing box public key

When type is 'Sign'

Result of signing data

  • signature: string – Data signature encoded as hex

Variant constructors:

function resultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKey(public_key: string): ResultOfAppSigningBox;
function resultOfAppSigningBoxSign(signature: string): ResultOfAppSigningBox;


type ResultOfSigningBoxGetPublicKey = {
    pubkey: string
  • pubkey: string – Public key of signing box. Encoded with hex


type ParamsOfSigningBoxSign = {
    signing_box: SigningBoxHandle,
    unsigned: string
  • signing_box: SigningBoxHandle – Signing Box handle.

  • unsigned: string – Unsigned user data. Must be encoded with base64.


type ResultOfSigningBoxSign = {
    signature: string
  • signature: string – Data signature. Encoded with hex.


Get encryption box info

type ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant = {



Encrypt data

type ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Data, encoded in Base64


Decrypt data

type ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Data, encoded in Base64


Interface for data encryption/decryption

type ParamsOfAppEncryptionBox = ({
    type: 'GetInfo'
} & ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant) | ({
    type: 'Encrypt'
} & ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant) | ({
    type: 'Decrypt'
} & ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'GetInfo'

Get encryption box info

When type is 'Encrypt'

Encrypt data

  • data: string – Data, encoded in Base64

When type is 'Decrypt'

Decrypt data

  • data: string – Data, encoded in Base64

Variant constructors:

function paramsOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfo(): ParamsOfAppEncryptionBox;
function paramsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncrypt(data: string): ParamsOfAppEncryptionBox;
function paramsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecrypt(data: string): ParamsOfAppEncryptionBox;


Result of getting encryption box info

type ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant = {
    info: EncryptionBoxInfo


Result of encrypting data

type ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Encrypted data, encoded in Base64


Result of decrypting data

type ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Decrypted data, encoded in Base64


Returning values from signing box callbacks.

type ResultOfAppEncryptionBox = ({
    type: 'GetInfo'
} & ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant) | ({
    type: 'Encrypt'
} & ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant) | ({
    type: 'Decrypt'
} & ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant)

Depends on value of the type field.

When type is 'GetInfo'

Result of getting encryption box info

When type is 'Encrypt'

Result of encrypting data

  • data: string – Encrypted data, encoded in Base64

When type is 'Decrypt'

Result of decrypting data

  • data: string – Decrypted data, encoded in Base64

Variant constructors:

function resultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfo(info: EncryptionBoxInfo): ResultOfAppEncryptionBox;
function resultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncrypt(data: string): ResultOfAppEncryptionBox;
function resultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecrypt(data: string): ResultOfAppEncryptionBox;


type ParamsOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo = {
    encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle


type ResultOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo = {
    info: EncryptionBoxInfo


type ParamsOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt = {
    encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle,
    data: string
  • encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle – Encryption box handle

  • data: string – Data to be encrypted, encoded in Base64


type ResultOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Encrypted data, encoded in Base64. Padded to cipher block size


type ParamsOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt = {
    encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle,
    data: string
  • encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle – Encryption box handle

  • data: string – Data to be decrypted, encoded in Base64


type ResultOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt = {
    data: string
  • data: string – Decrypted data, encoded in Base64.


type ParamsOfCreateEncryptionBox = {
    algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm
  • algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm – Encryption algorithm specifier including cipher parameters (key, IV, etc)


Interface that provides a callback that returns an encrypted password, used for cryptobox secret encryption

To secure the password while passing it from application to the library, the library generates a temporary key pair, passes the pubkey to the passwordProvider, decrypts the received password with private key, and deletes the key pair right away.

Application should generate a temporary nacl_box_keypair and encrypt the password with naclbox function using nacl_box_keypair.secret and encryption_public_key keys + nonce = 24-byte prefix of encryption_public_key.

export interface AppPasswordProvider {
    get_password(params: ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant): Promise<ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant>,


type ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant = ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant

type ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant = ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant

function get_password(
    params: ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant,
): Promise<ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant>;

function get_password_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant,
): ResultOfAppPasswordProviderGetPasswordVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • encryption_public_key: string – Temporary library pubkey, that is used on application side for password encryption, along with application temporary private key and nonce. Used for password decryption on library side.


  • encrypted_password: string – Password, encrypted and encoded to base64. Crypto box uses this password to decrypt its secret (seed phrase).

  • app_encryption_pubkey: string – Hex encoded public key of a temporary key pair, used for password encryption on application side. Used together with encryption_public_key to decode encrypted_password.


Signing box callbacks.

export interface AppSigningBox {
    get_public_key(): Promise<ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant>,
    sign(params: ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant): Promise<ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant>,


Get signing box public key

type ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant = ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant

function get_public_key(): Promise<ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant>;

function get_public_key_sync(): ResultOfAppSigningBoxGetPublicKeyVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • public_key: string – Signing box public key


Sign data

type ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant = ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant

type ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant = ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant

function sign(
    params: ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant,
): Promise<ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant>;

function sign_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant,
): ResultOfAppSigningBoxSignVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • unsigned: string – Data to sign encoded as base64


  • signature: string – Data signature encoded as hex


Interface for data encryption/decryption

export interface AppEncryptionBox {
    get_info(): Promise<ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant>,
    encrypt(params: ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant): Promise<ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant>,
    decrypt(params: ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant): Promise<ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant>,


Get encryption box info

type ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant = ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant

function get_info(): Promise<ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant>;

function get_info_sync(): ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxGetInfoVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.



Encrypt data

type ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant = ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant

type ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant = ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant

function encrypt(
    params: ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant,
): Promise<ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant>;

function encrypt_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant,
): ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxEncryptVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • data: string – Data, encoded in Base64


  • data: string – Encrypted data, encoded in Base64


Decrypt data

type ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant = ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant

type ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant = ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant

function decrypt(
    params: ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant,
): Promise<ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant>;

function decrypt_sync(
    params: ParamsOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant,
): ResultOfAppEncryptionBoxDecryptVariant;

NOTE: Sync version is available only for lib-node binding.


  • data: string – Data, encoded in Base64


  • data: string – Decrypted data, encoded in Base64

Last updated