Endpoint Configuration

Create TvmClient

TvmClient is the main class of TVM SDK Library. To start using library one needs to create and setup a TvmClient instance.

The simplest initialization code can look like this: just specify the endpoint.

Other parameters are used by default. See the reference below for more info.

const client = new TvmClient({
network: { 
    endpoints: [

Multiple endpoints configuration

If you have multiple endpoints in the same network, you can specify them all.

Library will automatically perform balancing based on endpoint health checks and availability.

const client = new TvmClient({
network: { 
    endpoints: [

You can also configure the message broadcast - how many nodes you want your message to be sent (it may improve delivery rate) like this.

const client = new TvmClient({
network: { 
    endpoints: [
    sending_endpoint_count: 3

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