How to deploy a Multisig Wallet

Create a Multisig wallet with TVM CLI


  • latest Rust release

  • cargo

Build and install CLI tool

cd ~
git clone
cd tvm-sdk
cargo install --path tvm_cli --force

The path to the tvm-cli is now publicly accessible. You can also add it to your environment variables (ENVs).

export PATH=$PATH:~/tvm-sdk/target/release

Prepare wallet binary and ABI

Create a folder:

cd ~
mkdir wallet
cd wallet

Download the multisig.abi.json and multisig.tvc files for your wallet from the multisig wallet repository and place them in this folder.

At the moment this wallet is undergoing formal verification. Wallet code may be updated during this process. However, the API of the wallet will remain the same.

Configure CLI tool

In this guide, we will use the test network at We need to specify the blockchain endpoint for deployment:

tvm-cli config -g --url

Generate seed phrase, keys and address

In Acki Nacki blockchain, the Multisig wallet address depends on its binary code and initial data, which includes the owner's public key.

You can generate everything with one command:

tvm-cli genaddr multisig.tvc --save --genkey multisig.keys.json

Write down your seed phrase and store it in a secure location. Never share it with anyone. Avoid storing it in plain text, screenshots, or any other insecure method. If you lose it, you lose access to your assets. Anyone who obtains it will have full access to your assets.

Additionally, ensure the file containing the key pair is saved in a safe place.

After this step, the .tvc file will be overwritten with the specified keys.

The raw address is the future Multisig wallet address. Keys are saved to multisig.keys.json. Be sure to copy your seed phrase if you need it.

Request SHELL tokens

On Mainnet Shell tokens will be purchased via special pool

Request SHELL tokens to your address. If you plan to test your contract systems, you can use this Multisig wallet to top up the balances of these contracts to cover gas fees.

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Deploy your Multisig wallet

Once you receive the SHELL tokens, check the state of the pre-deployed contract. It should be Uninit:

tvm-cli account <YourAddress>

The received SHELL tokens will be displayed in the ecc field.

Now you are ready to deploy your Multisig wallet using the following command:

tvm-cli deploy --abi multisig.abi.json --sign multisig.keys.json multisig.tvc '{"owners":[<PubKeyList>], "reqConfirms":<ConfirmsNum>, "value":<Tokens>}'

The arguments for the constructor must be enclosed in curly brackets: {<constructor arguments>}

  • owners: An array of custodian public keys. Each key must include the 0x prefix.

  • reqConfirms: The default number of confirmations required to execute a transaction.

  • value: The amount (in nanotokens) of SHELL tokens to be exchanged for VMSHELL tokens during deployment.

The value parameter must not be zero, as VMSHELL tokens are used to pay contract execution fees after the exchange.

In our example, we specify the amount of 10,000,000,000 nanoSHELL, which will be converted into 10,000,000,000 nanoVMSHELL. From this amount, the deployment fee for the contract will be deducted, and the remaining balance will be credited to the Multisig wallet.

Check the contract state again. This time, it should be Active.

If you need VMSHELL tokens later, simply call the exchangeToken(uint64 value) method in the Multisig and exchange the required amount. For example, let's convert 10 SHELL tokens into 10 VMSHELL tokens:

tvm-cli call 0:90c1fe4ab3a86a112e72a587fa14b89ecb2836da0b4ec465543dc0bb62df1430 exchangeToken '{"value":10000000000}' --abi multisig.abi.json --sign multisig.keys.json

VMSHELL tokens can be transferred to the balances of other contracts within the same Dapp ID.

However, when transferring to contracts in other Dapp IDs, only SHELL tokens can be used.

Therefore, you can create a single Multisig contract to replenish the balances of all your contracts with SHELL tokens, regardless of which Dapp ID they belong to.

How to send tokens from Multisig Wallet

To replenish accounts before deployment, use the following command:

sendTransaction( address dest, uint128 value, mapping(uint32 => varuint32) cc, bool bounce, uint8 flags, TvmCell payload)
  • dest - the transfer target address;

  • value - the amount of funds (VMSHELL) to transfer (should be 0);

  • cc - the type of ECC token and amount to transfer;

  • bounce - bounce flag: (should be false);

  • flags -sendmsg flags (should be 1);

  • payload - tree of cells used as body of the outbound internal message (should be an empty string).

In this case, the fees will be paid from the Multisig wallet's account

In order for the recipient's contract to be deployed, its constructor must include a function for exchange SHELL tokens for VMSHELL

For example, we transfer 5 SHELL from the Multisig wallet's balance to the address of the future contract, with the fees also being paid from the Multisig wallet's balance:

tvm-cli call 0:90c1fe4ab3a86a112e72a587fa14b89ecb2836da0b4ec465543dc0bb62df1430 sendTransaction '{"dest":"0:2672bb98816f2f9088d027f99681b65e05843b19367fe690cb4b5130d04eccf1", "value":0, "bounce":false, "cc": {"2": 5000000000}, "flags": 1, "payload": ""}' --abi multisig.abi.json --sign multisig.keys.json

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